
SharedTaxi is a FREE live meter taxi app that allows drivers and passengers to track trip fares and create new routes based on trip distance and GPS in real-time. Also, there are various payment methods such as IPP transfer, cash, NQR payment, etc.

Available On:

  • ErpCrebit- SHARED TAXI 1

    sharedtaxi 1
  • ErpCrebit- SHARED TAXI 2

    sharedtaxi 2
  • ErpCrebit- SHARED TAXI 3

    sharedtaxi 3
  • ErpCrebit- SHARED TAXI 4

    sharedtaxi 4
  • ErpCrebit- SHARED TAXI 5

    sharedtaxi 5
  • ErpCrebit- SHARED TAXI 6

    sharedtaxi 6
  • ErpCrebit- SHARED TAXI 7

    sharedtaxi 7
  • ErpCrebit- SHARED TAXI 8

    sharedtaxi 8