Hire Flutter Developers

Hire Flutter developers in India to create safe, powerful apps with cutting-edge features and functionality for your company.

With our precisely designed, innovative, and cutting-edge flutter app development solutions, FlutterDevs specializes in building cost-effective and efficient apps for customers all over the world.

✓ The First Time Guaranteed To Be Right

✓ Work With The Best Developers In India

✓ Guaranteed Project Completion on Time

✓ No Contract Lock-ins & Easy Team Scaling

✓ Work With The Top 2% Of India’s Full-Stack Engineers

✓ Engagement That Is Adaptable (Fixed Cost / Hourly / Part-Time / Monthly)

Create Remote Team

Hire Top IT Professionals For Your Projects


    Global Presence


    Global Customers


    Completed Projects


    Years of Experience

    Adani renewables
    Vital data technology
    Universal weather & aviation, inc
    One RPM
    Trackimo always there
    Whirpool india
    Big interview
    Different dog
    Open cosmos
    Adani renewables
    Vital data technology
    Universal weather & aviation, inc
    One RPM
    Trackimo always there
    Whirpool india
    Big interview
    Different dog
    Open cosmos

    The Expertise Of Our Flutter App Developers

    Our Offshore Flutter App Developers Create And Deploy Feature-Rich, Scalable Apps That Provide Users With A Great Native Experience. They Use A Cutting-Edge Cross-Platform Development Framework To Provide A Wide Range Of Software Solutions. Our Services Include Not Only The Creation Of IOS/Android Apps But Also Widget-Rich Apps.

    Flutter Consultation On A One-To-One Basis

    Hire Flutter Developers and consultants who have worked on feature-rich applications for other businesses.

    App Development For Multiple Platforms

    We create cross-platform apps that work flawlessly across devices with the aid of dedicated Flutter app programmers.

    Developers That Are Passionate About Flutter

    Dedicated Flutter app developers with experience building strong applications for worldwide clients in a variety of sectors are available for hire.

    Apps For Flutter Enterprise

    Our offshore developers create mobile applications for large-scale businesses that are scalable, dependable, and secure.

    Flutter Platform Migration

    Our remote Flutter app experts can assist you with re-engineering and migrating your current apps to Flutter for a better experience.

    User Interface That Is Both Intuitive And Flexible

    Our Flutter app designers are experts in creating self-descriptive, simple-to-implement apps that are also adaptable.

    Let Us Know Your Idea!

    We have experienced professionals who will help you with the development of the application and websites.

    Flutter Technologies We Work Upon

    We Use Flutter Technologies As A Top Software Industry, We Make It A Point To Remain Up To Date On The Newest Flutter Technology In Order To Create Scalable, Secure Apps For Our Clients In A Variety Of Industries.

    Technology Stack

    Why Would You WantTo Hire Flutter Developers In India?

    Working With Flutter Developers In India Has A Lot Of Advantages. They Guarantee That The Entire Development Process Is As Efficient As Possible.

    Excellent Developer Support

    Developers Specialize In Industry

    Flutter developers in India have worked across a wide range of industries. They have a lot of experience in your niche. You may expect the best as well as improved outcomes when you work with them.


    Flutter Developers With Experience

    When you employ Flutter developers in India, you can rest confident that you will get top-notch outcomes. They are highly skilled and experienced professionals that deliver the greatest and most satisfying outcomes.


    Recent Technological Advancements

    Indian Flutter developers are tech aficionados who stay up to speed on all the current industry trends so that you may have the most sophisticated business application on the market.


    Exceptionally Cost-Effective

    It is within your budget to employ Flutter developers in India. Even with the same experience and skill set, Indian developers charge 60 to 70% less than their counterparts in other nations.


    There Is No Language Barrier

    The majority of Indian Flutter developers are fluent in English. Even India is the world’s second-largest English-speaking country. As a result, you will have no communication issues with them.


    No Time Zone Hindrance

    When you deal with Indian Flutter developers, you won’t have to worry about time zones. They are always available to work in your country’s time zone and with maximum efficiency.

    software engineering services

    Why Hire Flutter Developers From Bigscal?

    At Bigscal, our Flutter Developers are experts in delivering high-quality, user-friendly, and cutting-edge mobile applications for businesses and individuals. With years of experience and a proven track record of success, we are the trusted choice for companies looking to take their mobile presence to the next level.

    • Expertise and Experience
    • Quality and User-Friendliness
    • Innovation and Creativity
    • On-Time Delivery
    • Affordable Pricing

    Top Companies Globally Trust Bigscal For Hiring Flutter Developers

    Bigscal has established itself as a leading provider of high-quality flutter app development services, trusted by top companies globally. Our team of skilled developers is committed to providing cutting-edge and approachable mobile solutions that satisfy the requirements of both enterprises and people. You may feel secure knowing that Bigscal is managing your flutter app development project. To find out more about how we can assist in realizing your mobile vision, get in touch with us right now.

    • Trusted by Leading Brands
    • Proven Track Record of Success
    • Technical Expertise and Experience
    • Quality and User-Friendliness
    • On-Time Delivery
    Bigscal clients

    We Will Give You What You Need!

    We understand your requirement and then give the solution according to your requirement.

    What is the process for our 2-week trial?

    You can try the engineer(s) for two weeks without any obligation to add them to your team. The services are prepaid so that you can continue on if you like them. What do you think? Isn’t it effortless and transparent?



    We will engage in a conversation to assess our skills and capabilities.


    Align engineer(s)

    Initiate the development process by aligning the engineer(s).


    Trial Phase

    We seek ongoing feedback from our engineers on your project.


    Add engineer(s) to your team

    The engineer(s) is added to your team after the trial period.

    Work Together With The Top 1% Of Indian Developers

    Get access to the top talent in the field by hiring our dedicated Flutter developers.

    Junior Flutter Developer

    $1650 – $2400

    1-3 Years Experienced

    Mid Level Flutter Developer

    $2400 – $3400

    3-5 Years Experienced

    Senior Level Flutter Developer

    $3400 onwards

    5+ Years Experienced

    A Variety Of Hire Flutter Developers Models Are Available

    All Of Our Clients Have The Option Of Selecting The Engagement Model That Best Suits Their Needs.

    Huge Community Support

    Dedicated Team

    To find out more about specialized teams, speak to your company’s marketing department. Pay-per-use contract with a monthly rolling payment schedule.

    • This product has no hidden charges
    • 160 hours of employment that is guaranteed
    • Invoices are paid on a monthly
    • Only pay for an activity that can be quantified
    cost saving

    Controlled Agile

    The controlled agile engagement approach is ideal for individuals with a limited budget who yet want some flexibility in response to changing circumstances.

    • Flexibility to the max
    • Assemble a squad
    • You may start with something simple
    • Having full control over your money
    Adaptable Timely Workflow

    Time And Material

    Please inquire about hourly rates when representing a firm with undefined projects and continuing work. Pay-per-use hourly rolling contract.

    • This product has no hidden charges
    • Working hours that are dependent on requirements
    • Invoices are paid on a monthly
    • Only pay for activities that can be quantified

    User Guide

    What are the advantages of hiring a flutter developer?

    Google developed the open-source Flutter mobile app development framework. It is a well-liked option for creating top-notch, quick, and attractive mobile apps for both Android and iOS platforms. A Flutter developer can help your project in a number of ways, including:

    More rapid development

    With Flutter's hot reload capability, developers can make code changes and nearly immediately see the results without having to restart the application. This can significantly quicken the development process, enabling you to finish your project sooner.

    Excellent User Experience

    Beautiful animations, effortless scrolling, and quick performance are just a few of the features that make using Flutter a high-quality user experience. Higher interaction and better ratings can result from this, which can also assist to draw in and keep people.

    Platform Development Across

    Instead of creating separate apps for each device, developers can use Flutter to create code once and have it operate on both the Android and iOS platforms, which can save time and effort. This can also guarantee that the app's design and feel are similar across both versions, which can improve the user experience as a whole.

    Less expensive development

    When opposed to creating distinct apps for each platform, Flutter's cross-platform development capabilities can save time and effort. This may contribute to a reduction in development costs overall, which is beneficial for companies with tight budgets.

    Significant Community Support

    The developer and user community for Flutter is sizable and expanding, and it can offer assistance, resources, and support when required. This might be especially helpful for companies that are new to developing mobile apps or that want to take on novel and difficult projects.

    Brief about the challenges of flutter app development.

    A powerful and adaptable framework for creating mobile apps, Flutter has grown in popularity recently. Despite its many benefits, it also has a unique set of difficulties, such as:

    Adaptation Curve

    Many developers might not be familiar with Dart, which is the programming language used by Flutter. Even though Dart is simple to learn, it might still take some time and effort for developers to catch up. Furthermore, Flutter has a special architecture and framework that can be difficult to comprehend and master.

    Small Number of Third-Party Libraries

    Despite the fact that the Flutter developer and user base is expanding, there are still fewer third-party libraries and packages available for Flutter than for other frameworks like React Native or Xamarin. The functionality of Flutter apps may be constrained as a result, and some features may be more challenging to implement.

    App Size

    In comparison to apps created with other frameworks, Flutter apps frequently have a larger file size, which can affect performance and detract from their user appeal. Users who have little storage available on their devices may find this to be particularly problematic.

    Advanced Animations

    Despite the fact that Flutter is made to offer high-quality animations and graphics, making complex animations can be difficult and time-consuming.

    Testing and Debugging

    As the development process can be more involved and time-consuming with Flutter than with other frameworks, debugging and testing may be more challenging. As a result, it could be more difficult to locate and fix problems, which might take developers longer and exert more effort.

    How can you hire offshore flutter app developers?

    Employing offshore Flutter app developers has many advantages, including lower costs, greater access to talent, and the ability to take advantage of various time zones to keep development work going round-the-clock.

    Make a list of your requirements.

    It's critical to have a thorough understanding of the project requirements, including the scope of work, project timeline, and budget, before you begin the hiring process. This will assist you in identifying the type of developer you require as well as the qualifications and experience needed.

    Make use of online resources

    Online marketplaces like Upwork, Freelancer, and Hirable are great venues to discover offshore Flutter developers. These websites let you search for developers based on their credentials, areas of experience, and hourly prices while looking through developer portfolios and client testimonials.

    Think about their skills

    It's crucial to evaluate each candidate's qualifications after you've reduced the number of candidates on your list to ensure that they have the knowledge and abilities needed to finish your project. You can achieve this by asking them to perform a test project, seeking code reviews, or conducting technical interviews.

    Think about cooperation and communication

    It's crucial to take collaboration and communication into account when hiring offshore Flutter developers. To keep everyone informed of project progress and to keep everyone on the same page, you might also want to think about adopting project management software like Asana or Trello.

    Discuss prices and terms

    Negotiating the project's terms and conditions, such as the hourly rate, payment schedule, and project timeline, is crucial once you've found the ideal candidate. Additionally, it's critical to make sure that everyone is clear on the duties, obligations, and expectations.

    What are the skills of a flutter developer?

    Flutter is a well-known framework for creating cross-platform mobile apps, therefore it calls for a special set of abilities and expertise. You need to have a number of key abilities in order to succeed as a Flutter developer.

    Programming Language Dart

    Because Dart is the programming language used in Flutter, a developer for this framework must have a solid command of it. Data structures, its syntax, and programming terms like functions, classes, and objects are all included in this.

    Experience with Cross-Platform Development

    A Flutter developer should have experience with cross-platform development because Flutter is designed to help developers create apps for various platforms, including iOS and Android. This involves understanding how to improve app performance on each of the various platforms.

    UI Design

    The rich library of customizable widgets provided by UI Design Flutter makes it simple for developers to create stunning and engaging user interfaces. Because of this, it's crucial for a Flutter developer to have a solid grasp of UI design and know how to make user-friendly interfaces that are both beautiful and practical.

    Construct mobile applications

    Being a successful Flutter developer requires having a solid foundation in mobile app development. This entails knowing how to add features like local storage, camera access, and push notifications as well as the architecture and navigation of apps.

    Git and version control

    Software development regularly makes use of Git, a version control system. A Flutter developer needs to be proficient in Git, be able to manage code changes with it, and collaborate well with others on the team.

    Debugging and Testing

    A Flutter developer should have experience with both testing and debugging as they are crucial components of the app development process. This includes understanding various testing tools and methods as well as how to use the Flutter debugger to find and resolve coding errors.

    Will flutter ever take the position of react native?

    In the world of mobile app development, there is a lot of discussion about the rivalry between Flutter and React Native. Both frameworks have a sizable and fervent following, but each has certain advantages and drawbacks of its own. Will React Native eventually give way to Flutter as the preeminent cross-platform framework?

    Given the constant development and advancement of both frameworks, it is challenging to say for sure. Flutter has advanced significantly in recent years and is now a preferred option for many app developers. A few of the factors contributing to its rising popularity include its user-friendly UI design, quick development times, and capacity for creating stunning and engaging apps.

    React Native, on the other hand, has been around for a lot longer and has a well-established ecosystem with a sizable developer community. Its widespread adoption by numerous businesses, such as Facebook, Airbnb, and Walmart, has contributed to the strengthening of its position as the industry standard framework.

    It's likely that Flutter and React Native will continue to coexist and cater to various use cases in the end. React Native might be a better fit for some applications, while Flutter might be a better option for others. Both the unique needs of each project and the preferences of the development team will play a significant role in determining which option is best.

    In the end, each framework has a distinct position in the landscape of mobile app development, as well as its own advantages and disadvantages. It is preferable to think of them as complementing tools that may be utilized to create high-quality, cross-platform programs rather than as competitors.

    Our Latest Blogs

    Bigscal creates articles that broaden your knowledge and provide you with in-depth details on the most recent developments in the IT business. Our specialists are always looking into new IT technologies and creating articles for our cherished clients.


    Flutter, a framework developed by Google, is used to create cross-platform mobile applications for platforms like Android and iOS, as well as apps for Google Fuchsia.

    Experience, skill sets, working style (onshore/offshore), and other factors all play a part in deciding how much it costs to hire an Indian Flutter app developer. To acquire a pricing estimate, we recommend talking to an Indian software business about your app concept.

    We send a qualified and experienced Flutter app programmer to work on your project within a well-established IT set-up after a thorough assessment of your project requirements. You can do as many interviews as you like before hiring a developer of your choice if you prefer.

    If a hired developer’s competence fails to produce the required results, or if you need more developers with a wide skill set, we will assist you immediately in both instances. We guarantee complete project success to provide you complete peace of mind.

    You should look at a company’s experience, cost-effectiveness, and work knowledge on Flutter developers to select the finest one.

    There are a number of elements that go into calculating the cost of developing a Flutter app. To receive a pricing estimate, we recommend talking to professionals about your app concept.

    Yes, we do, and we are completely dedicated to satisfying our clients’ operating needs. We believe in delivering results, and if secrecy is required, we will gladly sign an NDA to protect our clients’ interests.

    The following are some of the advantages of employing committed and talented developers:-

    • A chance to tap into the knowledge of seasoned professionals
    • Complete command of the development process
    • Hiring committed teams to ensure success. Quality control and risk reduction
    • We will offer a dedicated scrum master (project manager) at no additional cost to oversee your project and team.
    • And, last but not least, developers are valuable members of your team.

    The following are some of the advantages of employing committed and talented developers:-

    • Flutter makes cross-platform mobile app creation simple and painless, eliminating the need to create separate Android and iOS apps.
    • Flutter has a few extra advantages.
    • It is open-source and free.
    • It’s built on Dart, an object-oriented programming language that’s quick and powerful.
    • Because of its unique widgets, Flutter apps look and feel amazing.
    • Unicode system and less testing
    • The same app UI on older smartphones at no extra charge

    Flutter is a good alternative for companies wanting to create apps in a short amount of time with a minimal budget. Because this is a Google framework that is quick, open-source, and well-structured, with Unicode and many other features. As a result, Flutter has a promising future in the software development sector.

    What Our Valuable Clients Say About Us

    We are grateful for our clients’ trust in us, and we take great pride in delivering quality solutions that exceed their expectations. Here is what some of them have to say about us:

    "BigScal’s dedicated and talented staff made the effort to understand my complex requirements and met these challenges with insightful.Their greatest strength is an ability to listen to what a client need."

    Dr. Dosist

    Owner, Brew-EZ

    "Their communication was very impressive, especially since there’s a great distance between Colorado and India."

    Ilona Maxwell

    Owner, Brew-EZ

    "They were an extension of our team that we trusted and relied upon."

    Lindsay Fairman

    Founder, B2C & B2B

    "We are happy with their high-quality work."

    Kirk Rogers

    Managing Director, Priovanti

    "Very good cooperation! The work was always professional and always on time. We will hire them definitely again."


    Owner, Brew-EZ

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