Hire Developers for App

We are a web and app development company that helps startups and businesses hire developers in India and create mobile apps and websites. We are a leading offshore development company with a team of skilled developers from India.

Node js Developer, Angular Js, Android, iOS, Xamarin, React Native, React, Blockchain, IoT, AI/ML, and Flutter mobile app developers web app developers are available for hire in India.

Our processes are simple and transparent. We do not bind you to long-term agreements and work closely with you to ensure a successful engagement.

✓ Non-Disclosure Agreement

✓ Flexible Engagement Models

✓ Onboarding Is Simple & Quick

✓ Complete Command On The Team

✓ The Agile Development Methodology

✓ Work With The Top 2% Of India’s Full-Stack Engineers

Create Remote Team

Hire Top IT Professionals For Your Projects


    Global Presence


    Global Customers


    Completed Projects


    Years of Experience

    Adani renewables
    Vital data technology
    Universal weather & aviation, inc
    One RPM
    Trackimo always there
    Whirpool india
    Big interview
    Different dog
    Open cosmos
    Adani renewables
    Vital data technology
    Universal weather & aviation, inc
    One RPM
    Trackimo always there
    Whirpool india
    Big interview
    Different dog
    Open cosmos

    Why hire developers from Bigscal?

    Our skilled Indian software developers and programmers can help drive your business forward by delivering customised solutions that boost ROI, increase productivity, and reduce operational costs. By partnering with us, you can bring your business growth aspirations to life with the latest software technologies.

    High Quality/Cost Ratio

    • Hire Developers At Affordable Price.

      Hire developers from Bigscal who are committed to delivering top-notch software development services at a competitive price. Our team of expert developers has extensive expertise in a variety of programming languages and technologies, ensuring that we can match you with the right talent for your unique project requirements.

    • 100+ Skills Available.

      At Bigscal, we pride ourselves on the expertise and versatility of our developers. Hire developers who are well-versed in various development technologies and platforms, including React, Android, Java, Node, Python, Angular, Swift, React Native, and more.

    • 2 Weeks Risk-Free Trial.

      Bigscal provides a unique opportunity for clients to test their development services with a 2-week, risk-free trial. If you are unsatisfied with the work, you are not obligated to pay. This trial offer gives you the chance to experience the quality of our work and assess how we can help your business grow

    software engineering services
    software engineering services

    Extensive Vetting Process

    • Hours Of Tests & Interviews

      At Bigscal, we are committed to delivering exceptional software development services, and that starts with the talent we hire. Our hiring process is thorough and demanding, ensuring that we only work with top developers who have the skills, experience, and drive to deliver outstanding results.

    • Seniority Tests

      At Bigscal, we understand the importance of communication in project development. That’s why we place a strong emphasis on hiring developers who not only have the technical expertise but also possess exceptional communication skills.

    Effective Collaboration

    • Daily Updates

      Accurate time tracking is an important aspect of project management, as it ensures the timely completion of projects. By providing daily updates to our clients, we are helping to build trust and transparency in your work processes.

    • Easy To Manage

      Our developers have strong coding skills and are able to deliver on time in order to ensure successful projects. Effective project management is also crucial for ensuring that the most valuable tasks are being worked on.

    • Timezone Compatibility

      Our developers can overlap with your work schedule can be very beneficial for smooth collaboration and effective communication. This can help to ensure that any issues or questions are addressed in a timely manner and can help to keep the project on track.

    software engineering services

    Tech Hire

    With Our Knowledge Of All Popular Technologies And Platforms, Bigscal Has Everything You Need To Meet Your Software Development And Outsourcing Demands.

    Mobile Developers

    Web Developers

    PHP Developers

    Javascript Developers

    Full Stack Developers

    AI-ML Developers

    Let’s Talk About Your Project

    To help us turn your project idea into a spectacular digital product, request a free consultation and share it with us.

    Why hire developers from India?

    The availability of a wealth of IT talent in India makes it a prime location to recruit skilled developers, offering numerous advantages to companies.


    A Pool of adept Developers

    Hire developers in India to get access to a huge pool of experienced & certified programmers.


    English Speaking Programmers

    With their ability to speak, write, and understand English, Indian programmers are an ideal choice for foreign clients, making communication easy and working more accessible.

    Flexible and Customizable

    Flexible Work Hours

    Indian developers who work with flexible timing are the best option in the face of increasing competition and long working hours.


    Rapid Onboarding Process

    The globally accepted methodologies ensure your dedicated team is up and running in a short period of time with minimal training.

    Excellent Developer Support

    Expertise with Most Top Technologies

    Hiring developers with experience using multiple coding languages, as well as a focus on their profession, can lead to better results.


    Reliable Partner Credentials

    Make sure your project is successful by hiring Indian developers from an offshore development company such as Bigscal.

    Global Leaders Trust Bigscal for Hiring Developers

    Bigscal is a well-established software development firm that boasts a team of highly talented developers from India. Our developers cater to businesses of all sizes across diverse industries by offering exceptional web and mobile application solutions. Our approach is centred around providing customized services that meet the requirements of the business. We have an outstanding record of delivering tangible solutions that have consistently satisfied our clients.

    • 750+ Projects Successful
    • 97%+ Customer Satisfaction Rate
    • 500+ Global Clients
    • 25+ Countries
    • 175+ Full-Time Software Developers
    Bigscal clients

    What is the process for our 2-week trial?

    You can try the engineer(s) for two weeks without any obligation to add them to your team. The services are prepaid so that you can continue on if you like them. What do you think? Isn’t it effortless and transparent?



    We will engage in a conversation to assess our skills and capabilities.


    Align engineer(s)

    Initiate the development process by aligning the engineer(s).


    Trial Phase

    We seek ongoing feedback from our engineers on your project.


    Add engineer(s) to your team

    The engineer(s) is added to your team after the trial period.

    User Guide

    Who are dedicated developers?

    Dedicated developers are software developers who are fully dedicated to working on a single project or task, as opposed to working on multiple projects simultaneously. A dedicated developer is typically a contractor or a member of an outsourcing team who is assigned to work exclusively for a specific client, providing them with focused attention and expertise. This type of arrangement is often preferred by businesses and organizations that require a high level of technical skill for a specific project and want to ensure that it is completed to their satisfaction. Dedicated developers are usually experienced and knowledgeable in the relevant technologies and programming languages and work closely with the client to deliver high-quality software solutions.

    When to hire developers?

    Here we highlighted a few reasons:

    • New project development: When a company has a new project or product idea, it may need to hire developers to bring that idea to life.
    • Increase capacity: A company may need to hire additional developers to increase its capacity to deliver projects and meet the demands of its clients.
    • Specialized skills: Some projects may require specialized skills that are not available in-house, in which case a company may choose to hire a developer who has the required expertise.
    • Cost savings: In some cases, hiring a developer may be more cost-effective than maintaining an in-house development team.
    • Time savings: When a company needs to deliver a project quickly, it may choose to hire additional developers to speed up the development process.
    • Lack of internal resources: A company may choose to hire developers when it lacks the internal resources, such as time or manpower, to complete a project.

    In general, companies should consider hiring developers when they need to add capacity to their development team, require specialized skills, or want to speed up the development process.

    What is the difference between hiring freelancers and hiring developers?

    Hiring freelancers and hiring dedicated developers are two different approaches to staffing a development project. Each has its own set of pros and cons, and the best approach depends on the specific needs of the project.

    Advantages of hiring freelancers:

    • Cost-effectiveness: Freelancers usually charge on a project-by-project basis, which can be less expensive than hiring a full-time employee, especially for smaller projects.
    • Access to a wide pool of talent: Freelancers often work remotely, which allows you to access a larger pool of talent than you would have access to if you were only hiring locally.
    • Flexibility: You can bring in freelancers as needed, and can end the engagement once the project is complete.

    Disadvantages of hiring freelancers:

    • Lack of commitment: Freelancers often work on multiple projects at once, which can result in a lack of focus and commitment to your project.
    • Difficulty in building a consistent team: Freelancers may have different work styles and levels of experience, which can make it difficult to build a consistent team.
    • Difficulty in managing the project: Managing a team of freelancers can be challenging, as you may need to communicate with each individual and keep track of their progress.

    Advantages of hiring dedicated developers:

    • Consistent quality: Dedicated developers work only on your project, which ensures a high level of focus and commitment to your project.
    • Easier project management: When you have a dedicated team, it's easier to manage the project and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goal.
    • Better for long-term projects: Dedicated developers are a good fit for long-term projects, as you can build a strong working relationship with them over time.

    Disadvantages of hiring dedicated developers:

    • Higher cost: Hiring dedicated developers is typically more expensive than hiring freelancers, especially if you need to provide benefits and other incentives.
    • Difficulty in finding the right fit: Hiring a dedicated developer is a long-term commitment, so it's important to find the right fit for your team and your project.
    • Less flexibility: Once you've hired a dedicated developer, it's difficult to make changes to the team, which can limit your flexibility.

    In conclusion, the choice between hiring freelancers and hiring dedicated developers depends on the specific needs of your project. If you're working on a small project with a tight budget, freelancers may be the better option. On the other hand, if you're working on a long-term project, you may want to consider hiring dedicated developers.

    What are the benefits of hiring developers?

    Hiring developers for startups can bring many benefits, including:

    • Improved Efficiency: Developers can help automate processes and create software solutions to streamline a company's operations, making it more efficient and productive.
    • Increased Speed of Development: A dedicated development team can help a startup quickly build and launch its products, which can be especially important in fast-paced industries.
    • Better Technical Expertise: Developers bring technical expertise to a startup, which can help with decision-making and solving complex problems.
    • Improved User Experience: Developers can work to create software and products that are intuitive, user-friendly, and provide a great user experience, which can help a startup stand out from the competition.
    • Better Collaboration: Developers can work closely with other members of a startup's team, such as designers, to create high-quality products.
    • Scalability: Developers can help a startup build scalable software solutions that can accommodate growth and expansion, reducing the risk of technical issues and downtime.

    How to hire developers for a business?

    Here we highlighted a few steps for hiring developers for a startup:

    • Define your needs: Determine the type of developer you need based on the type of software or product you want to build.
    • Write a compelling job description: A well-written job description that accurately reflects the skills, experience, and qualities you're looking for can help you attract the right candidates.
    • Use multiple recruitment channels: Post your job on job boards, use professional networks like LinkedIn, and attend industry events to reach a wider pool of candidates.
    • Screen candidates: Review resumes, cover letters, and portfolios to identify top candidates. Conduct technical screenings, coding challenges, and behavioural interviews to further assess their skills and fit with your company culture.
    • Check references: Ask for references from previous coworkers to validate a candidate's knowledge and work style.
    • Make an offer: Once you've selected the right candidate, extend a formal job offer and discuss salary, benefits, and other important details.

    Got a Project in Mind? Tell Us More

    Drop us a line and we’ll get back to you immediately to schedule a call and discuss your needs personally.

    Our Latest Blogs

    Bigscal creates articles that broaden your knowledge and provide you with in-depth details on the most recent developments in the IT business. Our specialists are always looking into new IT technologies and creating articles for our cherished clients.


    We offer a qualified and experienced programmer to work on your project within a well-established IT setup after a thorough assessment of your project’s requirements. If you wish, you may interview as many developers as you want before hiring one.

    If a hired developer’s competence falls short of your expectations, or if you need more developers with a wide skill set, we will assist you immediately in both instances. We provide peace of mind with a 100% guarantee of success.

    Without a doubt. Our clients sign a non-disclosure agreement with us, ensuring that your concept is protected and secure.

    Bigscal provides a variety of services in addition to web app creation, including Blockchain app development, mobile app development, and AR/VR app development.

    Hiring committed and competent engineers from us have a number of advantages:

    • The chance to collaborate with talented and motivated engineers.
    • Complete command of the development process.
    • Hiring a specialized staff ensures quality control and risk reduction.
    • We will offer a dedicated Scrum Master (Project Manager) at no additional cost to oversee your project and team.
    • And, last but not least, developers are valuable members of your team.

    The following are some of the most often used Client Side Scripting technologies:

    • HTML – (HyperText Markup Language)
    • CSS – (Cascading Style Sheets)
    • Javascript
    • Ajax – (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)
    • jQuery is a jQuery plugin (JavaScript Framework Library – commonly used in Ajax development)
    • MooTools (JavaScript Framework Library – commonly used in Ajax development)

    The following are the top platforms for web development:

    • ASP.NET
    • Open Cart
    • WordPress
    • PHP
    • Joomla
    • Magento

    The finest technology for online application development:

    • Angular
    • Ruby on Rails
    • YII
    • Meteor.JS
    • Express.js
    • Zend
    • Django
    • Laravel

    We provide the following price options based on your project’s needs:

    • Hiring Personnel with a Specific Purpose
    • Hourly Basis
    • Full-time

    You may communicate with our hired mobile and web developers using technologies like Skype, online meeting software like GoToMeeting, and so forth.

    What Our Valuable Clients Say About Us

    We are grateful for our clients’ trust in us, and we take great pride in delivering quality solutions that exceed their expectations. Here is what some of them have to say about us:

    "BigScal’s dedicated and talented staff made the effort to understand my complex requirements and met these challenges with insightful.Their greatest strength is an ability to listen to what a client need."

    Dr. Dosist

    Owner, Brew-EZ

    "Their communication was very impressive, especially since there’s a great distance between Colorado and India."

    Ilona Maxwell

    Owner, Brew-EZ

    "They were an extension of our team that we trusted and relied upon."

    Lindsay Fairman

    Founder, B2C & B2B

    "We are happy with their high-quality work."

    Kirk Rogers

    Managing Director, Priovanti

    "Very good cooperation! The work was always professional and always on time. We will hire them definitely again."


    Owner, Brew-EZ

    Get In Touch With Us