React Native App Development Services

In the era of application development, you might have come across many frameworks that help you with application development. One of them is react native. React native is the most popular javascript framework that helps in the building of applications with the best UI and UX to give the best user experience to the customers. React native app development service is great in demand in the markets.

Bigscal Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is an India-based software development company that has been equipping businesses with the best technology as well as the best services.

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Adani renewables
Vital data technology
Universal weather & aviation, inc
Trackimo always there
Whirpool india
Big interview
Different dog
Open cosmos
Adani renewables
Vital data technology
Universal weather & aviation, inc
Trackimo always there
Whirpool india
Big interview
Different dog
Open cosmos

Bigscal’s React Native App Development Services

We create native apps that are compatible with all platforms. We have trained and professional react native consultants who are available to give your business the best service.

Custom App Development

We have been developing custom react native applications for different industries in the market. Bigscal developers provide clients with end-to-end and customized features for their applications. We believe in creating your idea into reality.

Hybrid App Development

With the growing competition in the businesses, we bring you with best customized cross-platform applications that can help you in beating your competitors. Our developers bring you the best, most adaptable, and high-quality cross-platform applications.

React Native Maintenance and Support

We are known for our maintenance and support even after the project is completed. We own a team of react native professionals who are specifically teamed up to look after the concerns related to maintenance and support.

React Native QA & Testing Services

We value your time and investment hence before handing you the project we check it thoroughly and solve the issues that might interrupt your application in the future. With certified and experienced professionals we provide you with top-notch applications.

React Native Migration & Upgradation

We also are experts in updating and migrating your current application and making it more high quality and with more features. The react native app development that we equip also contains the migration and upgradation of the applications made using any framework.

React Native MVP Development

We have skilled MVP developers that help you with development. We have professional consultants who have the exact knowledge about the market and hence they suggest the best application development advice.

Let’s Talk About Your Project

To help us turn your project idea into a spectacular digital product, request a free consultation and share it with us.

Bigscal’s Technology Stack

We have a diverse team of developers, designers, and engineers who are well experts in technologies that help you with application development.








App State





Pub/Sub Messaging



App Framework

Advantages Of React Native App Development

React native helps in developing applications that are unique and high quality helping to get businesses with the most of the application development.

Fast Performance

Performance And Speed

React Native allows you to build apps with greater performance. The react native applications increase the loading speed and give high-quality animations.


Native Features

We are enough capable of bringing the same native features as traditional applications with the react native app development. React Native apps are built with a native UI.


Development Time

React Native apps can reach the entire global market. These applications take generally less time to develop than the other applications.

cost saving

Cost Effective

React native app development equips the developers with the reusability of the code and hence this helps you to save a huge development cost in case of updation.

Huge Community Support

Community Support

React native being the most popular javascript framework has a huge community which is the biggest advantage to the developers as well as the clients.

Responsive UI

Responsive UI

With the enhancements in the technologies, it has become more important that you have a unique application. The more your application is responsive and interactive the more you get customers.

Customized React Native Mobile App Development

We as a software development company have been equipping clients with the best of services.
We know that every business is different and hence every business has different features to show. Our trained personnel build the applications according to the need of the business.

Bigscal equips businesses with a customization option that helps in the success of the application as well as the business. We have a team of professional developers and designers who provide a complete end-to-end solution to your problems.

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Got a Project in Mind? Tell Us More

Drop us a line and we’ll get back to you immediately to schedule a call and discuss your needs personally.

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Why Choose Bigscal As Your React Native App Development Company?

A team at Bigscal Technologies Pvt. Ltd., a top provider of React Native mobile app development, has gained expertise in react JS, a relatively new field, via extensive study. React Native makes it easier to create a quick MVP that produces intelligent mobile applications that meet your specific needs, such as virtual assistants, remote mail handling, or e-commerce solutions.

  • Experience and Expertise
  • Transparent Coding
  • Proven Methodologies
  • Affordable Solutions
  • Smooth Communications
  • Flexible Development

We Have Helped Many Companies To Grow!

We help brands grow their digital presence and gain brand awareness. We as a team are dedicated to building a strong online presence. Bigscal has a proven track record of helping grow brands.

  • 750+ Projects Successful
  • 97%+ Customer Satisfaction Rate
  • 500+ Global Clients
  • 25+ Countries
  • 175+ Full-Time Software Developers
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User Guide

What is react native?

Utilizing JavaScript, you can create native mobile apps using the React Native framework. Generally, Java and Swift/Obj-C (for iOS) are used to create mobile apps (for Android). You no longer need to meet that criterion thanks to React Native. As a result, apps are created that are completely functioning on both platforms. Additionally, it requires less effort and only one coding language.

React Native and ReactJS were both developed by Facebook. It first developed React before making ReactJS for the web available as open source.

However, Facebook was still having trouble with its mobile app. Each codebase is required to be maintained separately for iOS and Android. For adding the feature in android one needs to use java whereas if one needs to add features in iOS then one needs to use swift as their primary tool. As a result, there were duplicated tasks and asymmetries in the apps. This issue was fixed for Facebook by React Native.

React Native's main goal was to make it possible to create mobile applications. It makes creating apps simple. React native basically became a savior for developers like you.

What are the disadvantages of using react native app development?

Everything that has advantages also has disadvantages. A few of the disadvantages of using react native app development.

There aren't many parts available.

Due to React Native's youth, there aren't many components to choose from. This means that if their apps have sophisticated functionality that is not supported by the current components, developers will need to create bespoke components.

Native coding is necessary

Although React Native is cross-platform, this does not imply that all of the app's features were created with it. Developers are ultimately required to modify the produced code with native code. Native code is required for specific hardware functionalities like access to the camera and microphone, which raises the cost of development. To say the least, this is annoying!

The performance of apps is subpar compared to native applications.

React Native creates applications with performance when building sophisticated, complicated apps with rich functionalities. React Native may therefore be appropriate for applications with standard capabilities.

Inferior third-party components

Developers are allowed to make their own React Native components because there aren't many of them. As a result, there are third-party components available, however, some of them are of low quality and could compromise the security of an app.

Security concerns

Because React Native is constructed using the JavaScript library, it is vulnerable and unstable, just like JavaScript, and extra care must be given throughout code development to weed out harmful code snippets.

On which basis the cost of react native app development is decided?

The complexity of the apps, your needs for developing mobile apps, and your developer experience are just a few of the many variables that affect the cost of developing React Native applications. The following are the main elements that affect how much it costs to develop a React Native app:

App Complicatency

Any app that is now on the market can be classified into segments ranging from low complexity to high complexity.

User Permission

The cost of developing an app that needs user login or authorization would be considerably higher than the cost of developing an app without the process of role-based checks, which are often determined by developers.


If you want to create a customer-focused app, you might want to extend some add-ons for it and integrate it with social media platforms.

Application Type

Your app's category may be determined by factors including functionality, real-time user count, security considerations, and more. It makes sense that these nuances will have an impact on how much it costs to design a React Native app.

Developer History

The cost of hiring React Native app developers will differ depending on whether you want to work with freelancers, a mid-cap corporation, or a high-cap company. Hiring freelancers would be the most economical option, but the quality might not be up to par.

Company Location

The cost of designing a mobile app is significantly influenced by the region. Employing React Native app developers may be less expensive in Eastern nations than it is in the USA or Australia. To save money, you can opt to outsource your project.

App’s Distribution

Each distribution channel has a distinct price when it comes to releasing your app. You can also discover that the host's consent is necessary for the apps to comply with standards and security specifications.

Application Support

Your apps must be updated often to match user expectations, which affects user engagement and retention rates.

How can you find the top react native development company?

It can be difficult to choose a React Native development business, but the following factors should be taken into account:

Analyze the project's scope.

A full range of development services, including application strategy, development, design, and support, are not offered by all businesses. To choose the right firm to outsource to, you must evaluate the requirements of your project.

Look at the mobile application development company's prior work.

Get the company's information on the most recent projects that have been finished, and then do your research to see if these applications are offered in the app store. Download these to evaluate their usability and design. Look up the app's ratings and reviews in the app store. A corporation may not have enough experience in creating and designing applications if it does not share its portfolio.

Analyze the developing company's experience.

Have a conversation with the business to assess its abilities and innovation. A reputable mobile app development business should outline previously finished applications and the difficulties they encountered in order to demonstrate that they have the requisite expertise to steer you through the development process without obstacles.

Request a price quote for building mobile applications.

An effective application is the main concern. As a result, picking the best application development firm shouldn't be based primarily on cost. The smallest budget might not produce the best outcomes. Examine the product lines of each company while keeping your budget in mind to see which one delivers the best value for your money. To be sure that a single person or a team of developers is working on your project, you can also hire mobile app developers from businesses.

Analyze the level of participation and communication.

After the project is outsourced, it is crucial to maintain regular contact and updates to make sure that development is proceeding as planned and that every milestone is being met. To avoid project delays, you should be aware of the application development company's communication strategy and expectations for their participation in each phase.

Information on maintenance services in further detail

If you choose to contract out post-launch support and maintenance, you can ask for service fee details (in hours or months). Additionally, find out how much bug patches and new versions cost. Learn about the variety of support and maintenance services offered.

State the difference between react native and react.

Finding the differences between React Native and React is one of the most frequently misunderstood concepts in the React Native domain, especially among entrepreneurs who are new to the field.

Like React DOM on the web, React Native is essentially React's own renderer. Instead of using the web components that React uses as building blocks, it uses native components. React native is the best javascript framework whereas react js is the javascript library.

You must first comprehend the React fundamentals of JSX, state, components, and props before you can start working on developing React native apps. Even if you are familiar with React, you still need to understand the various native components of React Native. React Native gives access to the features made available by iOS and Android in addition to modifying React code to work on these platforms.

Our Software Development Case Studies

Software development & outsourcing services have been our main focus since our inception. Being end-to-end software development partners to our patrons, we have engaged with them in their technology enhancement journey and helped them with best-in-class solutions. We have captured a few case studies to reveal how we became our clients’ favorite.

A Time-Tracking Desktop App

A time tracking tool that monitors staff computer usage and activity levels, including open programs and websites visited, it takes randomly chosen screenshots and more.

Core tech

ReactJs, nodeJs, MongoDB

A Gaming Application

In the Business Game, players roll two six-sided dice to move around the game board, buying and trading properties, and developing them into houses and hotels.

Core tech

Unity 3D, FireBase

A Finance Managemnt System

a system for managing finances that helps keep everyone informed about their financial situation and show them how to save money.

Core tech

ReactJs, nodeJs, MongoDB

An Architectural Business Management Software

Downright Tiles offers tile services for residential and commercial properties, including remodeling, renovation, repair, and installation.

Core tech

.NET, MVC5, Decoupled Architecture

Our Latest Blogs

Bigscal creates articles that broaden your knowledge and provide you with in-depth details on the most recent developments in the IT business. Our specialists are always looking into new IT technologies and creating articles for our cherished clients.


React Native is a cutting-edge cross-platform solution that offers numerous benefits such as code re-usability, making it easier and quicker to develop apps for both iOS and Android. Facebook created a quick and efficient design using an accessible JavaScript platform.

After considering a number of variables, like the project’s size, the platform being used for development (android, iOS, or both), the complexity and volume of the design, the addition of new features and functionality, and many others, the duration of a React Native project can be estimated.

The developer’s experience is one of the crucial components, and in the US, the hourly rates typically range from $100 to $125. You can, however, outsource your project to offshore development firms in nations like India if you have a tight budget because the hourly rates there are far more reasonable. The cost of the project changes from project to project depending on the requirements, much like the duration does. When you communicate the project requirements to the project managers, it is simple to forecast.

When you are a startup or business that is in the initial step then you should not directly jump into the react native app development. Therefore, one should refrain from using it when the security demand is high and you have the necessary resources, such as time and money, to invest in constructing a stronger platform.

React Native app development has a clear advantage when it comes to developing your project on a small budget, thus it would be prudent to employ the framework.

React Native app development costs vary depending on a number of factors, and at Bigscal, we don’t think there is a one-size-fits-all answer.

We are a group of experienced web and mobile app developers who have created numerous efficient React Native applications.

Yes, we can aid in your application’s conversion to the React Native programming language.

We have successfully assisted numerous clients in moving their applications over, and we would be pleased to assist you as well. Call us right away for further details.

Yes! React Native allows developers to create a single program that runs on Android, iOS, and a web browser using standard web technologies. However, the initial requirement for such technology is questionable given that React (the purported forerunner of React Native) was created largely for the web. The reality is that a mobile application’s base is very different from a web app’s.

The development of web and mobile applications has been revolutionized by React Native, a component-based front-end framework. It offers enhanced application development that is more user-friendly by integrating with JavaScript libraries.

The best User Interface in web apps may be created with React. React manages web apps with a lot of traffic quickly and effectively. Furthermore, React comes highly recommended for business-grade web applications that cater to a wide range of user demographics. React has been chosen for app development by companies like Netflix, Uber, and Twitter; as a result, company owners looking for scalable SEO-friendly web application development can grow their business online.

React Native is constantly evolving because it is an open-source framework and receives constant community contributions. Therefore, React Native can be a smart choice if you’re seeking an Android app development business, Android application development, iOS app development firm, or hybrid app development.

What Our Valuable Clients Say About Us

We are grateful for our clients’ trust in us, and we take great pride in delivering quality solutions that exceed their expectations. Here is what some of them have to say about us:

"BigScal’s dedicated and talented staff made the effort to understand my complex requirements and met these challenges with insightful.Their greatest strength is an ability to listen to what a client need."

Dr. Dosist

Owner, Brew-EZ

"Their communication was very impressive, especially since there’s a great distance between Colorado and India."

Ilona Maxwell

Owner, Brew-EZ

"They were an extension of our team that we trusted and relied upon."

Lindsay Fairman

Founder, B2C & B2B

"We are happy with their high-quality work."

Kirk Rogers

Managing Director, Priovanti

"Very good cooperation! The work was always professional and always on time. We will hire them definitely again."


Owner, Brew-EZ

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