Hire AI Developers

Bigscal can help you hire AI developers in India to turn your app concept into a reality in a short amount of time and according to your exact specifications. Our AI-based applications’ key strengths include scalability, security, technological integration, and optimal performance. Our AI developers for hire are experts in Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms, as well as the skills and expertise required for speech/language processing, AI Chatbot creation, and neural network development.

✓ Non-Disclosure Agreement

✓ Flexible Engagement Models

✓ Onboarding Is Simple & Quick

✓ Complete Command On The Team

✓ The Agile Development Methodology

✓ Work With The Top 2% Of India’s Full-Stack Engineers

Create Remote Team

Hire Top IT Professionals For Your Projects


    Global Presence


    Global Customers


    Completed Projects


    Years of Experience

    Adani renewables
    Vital data technology
    Universal weather & aviation, inc
    One RPM
    Trackimo always there
    Whirpool india
    Big interview
    Different dog
    Open cosmos
    Adani renewables
    Vital data technology
    Universal weather & aviation, inc
    One RPM
    Trackimo always there
    Whirpool india
    Big interview
    Different dog
    Open cosmos

    Take A Look At Our AI Developer’s Experience

    We’ve Hired AI Experts With Extensive Expertise And Skillsets At Bigscal. They Use Some Of The Greatest AI Approaches To Assist Businesses In Gaining Valuable Insights From The Data Gathered And Processed By Big Data. Let’s Have A Look At What Our Artificial Intelligence Has To Offer.

    Machine Learning

    We provide your company with the unrivaled benefits of machine learning, a technology that enables machines to learn for themselves in the same way that people do. They are capable of deciphering complicated data, detecting trends, and recognizing patterns.

    Digital Virtual Agents

    Our AI professionals develop cutting-edge AI-powered digital virtual agents that can learn and interpret human behavior, provide extended assistance, and improve customer experiences.

    Processing Of Natural Language

    Our AI coders are specialists in Natural Language Processing, which enables machines to grasp and interpret what people say and write, express their feelings, and take appropriate actions based on that knowledge.

    Generation Of Natural Language

    Our AI programmers create clever NLG apps that transform data into text that can be read by humans. These applications may be used for a variety of things, including financial reporting, BI automation, product descriptions, and more.

    Image Processing

    We’re collaborating with experienced AI developers who are well-versed in cutting-edge image processing technologies. They provide cutting-edge visual apps that can gather, evaluate, synthesize, and detect patterns in pictures.

    Automation Of Robotic Processes

    Our developers have special expertise called robotic process automation. They create sophisticated programs that automate operations based on user-generated instructions or machine-learned data without the need for human interaction.

    Virtualization Of Information

    Our AI developer uses Artificial Intelligence technology to build powerful knowledge virtualization systems that assist organizations in making sound business decisions by utilizing trustworthy databases.

    Management Of Decisions

    Hire AI developers in India that can help you simplify and automate company choices using Artificial Intelligence business decision management solutions that use predictive systems and trustworthy algorithms to make the best judgments.

    Support And Maintenance

    Our developers work for you in the long run, in addition to providing superior AI services. We are not the type of company that terminates service after completing a job satisfactorily. Our staff works closely with you and offers assistance for both our designed and existing apps.

    Let’s Talk About Your Project

    To help us turn your project idea into a spectacular digital product, request a free consultation and share it with us.

    Why Is Hiring AI Developers From India Beneficial To Your Company?

    Many Businesses Are Adopting AI Technology Because Of Its Incredible Benefits, Which May Propel Any Firm To New Heights With Its Diverse Offers. Reduced Operating Expenses, Increased Income Production, Enhanced Customer Experience, And Other Factors Can All Help Your Company Sail To Victory. Let’s Look At How Businesses May Benefit From It.


    Customer Responses Can Be Automated

    Businesses may automate client interactions, yet many consumer inquiries go unanswered for a variety of reasons. By studying previous communications data and programming computers to reply promptly and accurately to client questions, you can keep this problem at bay with Artificial Intelligence.


    Enhances Customized Shopping Experiences

    For every e-store or online business, a better-customized shopping experience may enhance revenue. That is why many businesses are turning to AI, which can recognize human behavior based on browsing patterns and previous buying experiences. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to provide better and more accurate deals to each client.

    Easy communication

    Assistance In Real-Time

    Customers will have a better experience if they receive real-time help, and they will begin to recognize your business among your rivals. You can communicate with a large number of consumers every day using Artificial Intelligence, and you can do it with fewer errors.


    Data Mining

    You may rapidly identify crucial and relevant customer discoveries while analyzing large data with cloud-based AI. It can provide you with previously untapped levels of consumer intelligence, allowing you to better serve your customers. It might be a key commercial benefit of AI that gives you a competitive advantage in the market.

    Product Migration

    Use Of Labor And Capital Efficiently

    AI-driven automates routine office tasks, freeing up staff’ time to focus on more essential and strategic projects. When this occurs, productivity naturally rises, and the firm begins to develop and better deploy its capital in areas where it may give more commercial benefits.


    Predicting Outcomes

    Another perk of opting for AI technology in business is its ability to predict outcomes based on data analysis. It’s quite useful in retail businesses, and it’s utilized in a variety of sectors owing to its unique characteristics, including banks. where it can predict stock price and currency and healthcare to identify disease.

    software engineering services

    Why Hire AI Developers From Bigscal?

    We provide you with personalized artificial intelligence services integrated with exclusive features. Our AI designing services develop actionable insights from the large organizational data sets, generated by your business. Embrace modern technologies with the help of our team.

    • Expertise and Experience
    • Quality and User-Friendliness
    • Innovation and Creativity
    • Smooth communication
    • Effective development strategies
    • Affordable Pricing

    Top Companies Globally Trust Bigscal For Hiring AI Developers

    The top provider of IT solutions in the sector is Bigscal. We provide amazing and flawless solutions to our clients, ranging from IT infrastructure to web development. Hire AI experts from Bigscal’s pool of strong individuals who have received professional training to adapt to and meet a variety of industry expectations in the field of AI-driven technological transformation.

    • Trusted by Leading Brands
    • Proven Track Record of Success
    • Technical Expertise and Experience
    • Quality and User-Friendliness
    • On-Time Delivery
    Bigscal clients

    Got a Project in Mind? Tell Us More

    Drop us a line and we’ll get back to you immediately to schedule a call and discuss your needs personally.

    What is the process for our 2-week trial?

    You can try the engineer(s) for two weeks without any obligation to add them to your team. The services are prepaid so that you can continue on if you like them. What do you think? Isn’t it effortless and transparent?



    We will engage in a conversation to assess our skills and capabilities.


    Align engineer(s)

    Initiate the development process by aligning the engineer(s).


    Trial Phase

    We seek ongoing feedback from our engineers on your project.


    Add engineer(s) to your team

    The engineer(s) is added to your team after the trial period.

    Work Together With The Top 1% Of Indian Developers

    Hire AI developers and coders from India, known for their exceptional abilities and ranked among the top-tier talent worldwide.

    Junior AI Developer

    $1650 – $2400

    1-3 Years Experienced

    Mid Level AI Developer

    $2400 – $3400

    3-5 Years Experienced

    Senior Level AI Developer

    $3400 onwards

    5+ Years Experienced

    A Variety Of Hire AI Developer Models Are Available

    All Of Our Clients Have The Option Of Selecting The Engagement Model That Best Suits Their Needs.

    Huge Community Support

    Dedicated Team

    To find out more about specialized teams, speak to your company’s marketing department. Pay-per-use contract with a monthly rolling payment schedule.

    • This product has no hidden charges
    • 160 hours of employment that is guaranteed
    • Invoices are paid on a monthly
    • Only pay for an activity that can be quantified
    cost saving

    Controlled Agile

    The controlled agile engagement approach is ideal for individuals with a limited budget who yet want some flexibility in response to changing circumstances.

    • Flexibility to the max
    • Assemble a squad
    • You may start with something simple
    • Having full control over your money
    Adaptable Timely Workflow

    Time And Material

    Please inquire about hourly rates when representing a firm with undefined projects and continuing work. Pay-per-use hourly rolling contract.

    • This product has no hidden charges
    • Working hours that are dependent on requirements
    • Invoices are paid on a monthly
    • Only pay for activities that can be quantified

    User Guide

    What is Artificial intelligence(AI)?

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is the term used to describe a machine's capacity to carry out operations that ordinarily call for human intelligence, such as identifying patterns, making judgments, and solving issues. In order to do activities that would typically need human intellect, such as speech and picture recognition, natural language processing, and decision-making, AI is founded on the theory that machines may be created to replicate human intelligence.

    Expert systems are created to emulate a human expert's decision-making processes in a certain sector.

    A type of AI known as machine learning enables machines to continuously improve their performance based on data and experience. Contrarily, deep learning is a subset of machine learning that makes use of artificial neural networks to model intricate data patterns.

    Numerous sectors, including healthcare, banking, manufacturing, and transportation, could be completely transformed by AI. The ethical ramifications of AI, such as the possibility of employment displacement, privacy abuses, and the creation of autonomous weaponry, are a source of concern. In order to ensure that the technology is utilized responsibly and safely, ethical issues and regulatory oversight are taken into account during the development and implementation of AI.

    Why do you need AI developers?

    To create and implement AI systems that can automate processes, analyze data, and make wise judgments, organizations need AI developers. Machine learning models are built and trained using a variety of technologies and computer languages, including Python, R, TensorFlojudgmentsw, and PyTorch by AI developers.

    Having AI developers on the team can benefit enterprises in a number of ways, including:

    • Increased productivity: AI systems can automate tedious and repetitive chores, freeing up human workers to concentrate on harder and more imaginative jobs.
    • Better decision-making: AI systems are capable of analyzing enormous volumes of data and seeing patterns and trends, giving firms useful information to guide business decisions.
    • Enhanced customer experience: Utilizing AI technologies can lead to more tailored recommendations, improved customer service, and an overall increase in the customer experience.
    • Increased competitiveness: By employing cutting-edge practices and technologies that boost productivity and provide them a competitive edge, businesses may use AI to stay one step ahead of the competition.
    • Access to new business opportunities: AI can present new business opportunities by allowing companies to automate and simplify operations, save expenses, and increase revenue.

    In general, businesses may remain ahead of the competition and capture new opportunities by utilizing the potential of AI technology with the aid of AI developers.

    What is the cost of AI development?

    A number of factors, including the size and level of experience of the development team, the tools and technologies used, and the location of the development team, can have a substantial impact on the cost of developing AI.

    A smaller, simpler project can be built for only tens of thousands of dollars, whereas a larger, more sophisticated one can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars or more.

    The following factors, among others, could impact how much it costs to build AI:

    • Project scope: The size and complexity of the project will have an impact on the cost. For instance, creating a simple chatbot will be less expensive than creating a complex AI system that interacts with a variety of processes and devices.
    • Development team: Depending on the size and level of experience of the development team, the cost of developing AI might vary significantly. It will normally cost more to work with an experienced AI development team than it will to work with a less experienced team.
    • Technologies and tools: The price of developing AI will also be influenced by the tools and technologies employed. TensorFlow and PyTorch are two examples of open-source, cost-free AI tools, although other options can be extremely pricey.
    • Location: The cost of developing AI can also be affected by the development team's location. It is normal for development teams in high-cost areas, like Silicon Valley, to cost more than teams in low-cost areas.

    Working with a trustworthy AI development firm is crucial if you want a precise cost estimate for your AI project.

    How to hire the best AI developers?

    To find the ideal fit for your organization's and project's objectives, hiring the top AI developers demands considerable planning and consideration. The following actions will assist you in selecting the top AI developers:

    • Define the needs and requirements for your project: It's critical to have a firm grasp of the specialized knowledge and abilities required for your AI project before you begin the hiring process.
    • Screen applicants: Start by examining portfolios and resumes to gauge the expertise and abilities of candidates. To ascertain their compatibility with the position and the corporate culture, perform the first interviews.
    • Test their abilities: It's critical to carry out technical exams, such as coding challenges or projects, to make sure the candidate has the capabilities required for the AI development post. To better grasp their capabilities, you may also ask for references and examples of earlier AI projects they have worked on.
    • Consider their cultural fit: Take this into consideration. To make sure the candidate's values, communication style, and work ethic mesh with the team's, take these factors into account.
    • Offer competitive compensation: It's critical to provide competitive compensation packages, including salaries, perks, and chances for professional advancement, in order to entice the top AI engineers.

    What are the challenges of AI development?

    The development of artificial intelligence (AI) faces a number of difficulties, including:

    • Data Quality: Getting high-quality data that is accurate, pertinent, and reflective of the issue the AI system is attempting to address is one of the main obstacles in the development of AI. In fields where data is limited or poorly understood, it might be difficult to gather and plan for.
    • Model Bias: If the data that AI systems are educated on is prejudiced, it may show up in their decision-making. Particularly in delicate fields like healthcare, banking, and criminal justice, this may lead to unfair and biased outcomes.
    • Algorithm Complexity: Because many AI algorithms are complex and tricky to comprehend, it can be difficult for programmers to debug and improve them. Additionally, this may make it challenging for stakeholders to comprehend and believe the outcomes generated by AI systems.
    • Explainability: AI systems have the potential to deliver outcomes that are challenging to comprehend and analyze. This can make it difficult for stakeholders to comprehend the logic behind the AI system's judgments, particularly in crucial fields where the repercussions of poor decisions can be considerable.
    • Integration with Existing Systems: Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) systems with already-existing business systems can be difficult, especially if such systems are complicated and have various data forms and formats. This may lead to longer development times and costs as well as poorer AI system performance and accuracy.
    • Concerns with Ethics and Law: Since the ethical and legal ramifications of AI systems are still not fully understood, it is difficult for engineers to manage these intricate and constantly changing challenges. As a result, there may be issues with regulations and the law, as well as public mistrust and opposition to AI systems.

    Our Latest Blogs

    Bigscal creates articles that broaden your knowledge and provide you with in-depth details on the most recent developments in the IT business. Our specialists are always looking into new IT technologies and creating articles for our cherished clients.


    We’re collaborating with one of the industry’s finest AI developers. They are as follows:

    • Professionals who are certified
    • Strict Non-Disclosure Agreement
    • Experience: 5+ Years
    • Developers that specialize in a certain industry
    • Qualified in B.Tech

    The benefits of hiring our AI developers for your project are listed above.

    Virtual assistants or chatbots, autonomous systems, agriculture, security, retail, and other industries all employ AI. Try Bigscal if you want to scale your AI engineering staff. It makes recruiting easier for businesses by providing verified remote AI experts for half the price of a Silicon Valley bar.

    Your data will be safe, not compromised, thanks to AI.

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) may enable a firm to automate many more routine activities, freeing up employees’ time for more creative endeavors. As AI’s ability to produce actual value from enormous quantities of data grows, the technology gets more sophisticated. Manual data entry is no longer required, and the danger of mistakes is decreased.

    With the advancement of AI, extremely complex ways to data will be possible. With less human participation in data entry and storage, encryption technologies that were previously too complex or resource-intensive to adopt due to the high level of human scrutiny become easier to execute.

    No, We guarantee that none of your current code, trademarked algorithms, licensed key, patented versions, or trademarked algorithms will be reused in any other project by our staff. We preserve the highest level of project privacy by avoiding other project codes and creating a one-of-a-kind website.

    When working on a project, Bigscal’s AI engineers use DevOps and agile techniques. This is how it works:

    • Requirement is gathered
    • Analyzes the Business of Clients
    • Plan a strategy
    • Deployment & Testing

    That is how they work and give the finest outcomes to our clients.

    Our AI developers have a simple recruiting procedure. You simply need to give the project specifications, roles, and skill sets that you want our developers to have. After we’ve gathered your requirements, we’ll provide you the CVs of our top developers, from which you may select the one you think is most suited for your project.

    Yes, we always start a project with a non-disclosure agreement. Before we allocate any projects to our AI developers, we require them to sign them.

    Fill out this form to recruit AI developers, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible! We’ll listen to your needs and discover the top AI developers from our pool of candidates.

    Putting a certain number of days or months into training an AI developer would be excessive. A competent AI developer must have all of the needed abilities, such as a solid software development background in Python, Prolog, R, and more, depending on the project’s requirements. Aside from that, an artificial intelligence developer must have hands-on programming experience.

    You can make your firm more intelligent while saving time and money by using artificial intelligence development services. AI solutions may help you improve your user experience and remain ahead of the competition in a variety of ways, from data lake deployment and BI to predictive analysis and more.

    What Our Valuable Clients Say About Us

    We are grateful for our clients’ trust in us, and we take great pride in delivering quality solutions that exceed their expectations. Here is what some of them have to say about us:

    "BigScal’s dedicated and talented staff made the effort to understand my complex requirements and met these challenges with insightful.Their greatest strength is an ability to listen to what a client need."

    Dr. Dosist

    Owner, Brew-EZ

    "Their communication was very impressive, especially since there’s a great distance between Colorado and India."

    Ilona Maxwell

    Owner, Brew-EZ

    "They were an extension of our team that we trusted and relied upon."

    Lindsay Fairman

    Founder, B2C & B2B

    "We are happy with their high-quality work."

    Kirk Rogers

    Managing Director, Priovanti

    "Very good cooperation! The work was always professional and always on time. We will hire them definitely again."


    Owner, Brew-EZ

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