Hospital Management Software: Tailored for Your Needs

Explore the future of healthcare with Bigscal hospital management software. At a time when healthcare professional demands are more stringent than ever, our innovative clinical software stands as the ultimate solution to transform clinical operations.

Imagine that all hospital operations are automated. For example, patient outreach, medical records management, error-free billing, and every aspect of support have been optimized for maximum efficiency. With the help of our HMS program, Bigscal makes this vision a reality.

Our hospital management software is more than just a tool; It’s a good one. This software empowers physicians to focus on what really matters – patient care. By streamlining operations and increasing data accuracy, we are raising the standard of healthcare utilization.

So, let’s learn more about how we help redefine healthcare management. Explore the Bigscal hospital contract management system to discover the changes that are reshaping the healthcare industry.

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Key Features of Our Hospital Management Software

In this digitized world of healthcare, effective hospital management is important. It provides quality patient care maintaining operational efficiency. Our hospitality management software is developed to simplify hospital workflows and enhance patient care. Let’s read about the key features that set our healthcare management software:

Patient Registration and Management

Patient registration is one of the core features of our hospital management software that we will seamlessly manage patient information. We have a collection of software, enabled with features to service patient records like names, age, medical history and contacts. Along with its purpose to improve data accuracy and accessibility, this entry of a populated database will assist your patient management and care coordination, as well.

Appointment Scheduling

Hospital management system helps make appointment booking convenient for the patients and staff as well. The technology helps to set up booking slots, availability of workers and providers. For example, an auto-reminder function can be developed that triggers sending an alert to a patient before the appointed day to minimize no-shows. Our software is designed to show both professionals and patients a smooth interface for booking appointments.

Billing and Invoicing

The Hospital revenue management software can produce a charge slip and an invoice which is error free and the details are clearly stated for the patient and the insurance companies. It can help you to handle complex billing scenarios. This includes insurance claims and co-payments. Further you can streamline financial transactions with efficient invoicing capabilities with our software.

Electronic Health Records

Electronic health records digitizes and centralizes patient health records securely. It enables healthcare providers to access patient data in real-time. Further it enhances clinical decision-making with comprehensive EHRs. Clinical data can be safely transferred among practitioners and even to patients with electronic health records software.

Inventory and Pharmacy Management.

Managing and keeping track of inventory management software for hospitals is an issue for hospitals. Hospital inventory management software helps maintain optimal stock levels for medications and medical supplies. Professionals can track expiration dates and reorder points for inventory management. It ensures cost-effective supply chain management within the hospital.

Reporting and Analytics

This hospitality management system software generates insightful reports on hospital operations and patient outcomes. Moreover, it analyzes data to identify trends, improve efficiency, and enhance decision-making. It can help stay compliant with regulatory requirements through accurate reporting. Software for reporting can make processes easier for experts.

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Benefits of Developing Hospital Management Software

With hospital management software development you can transform the traditional paper-based manual hospital activity workflows into automated ones which ensure efficiency and accuracy.

Optimization of workflows and clear visibility into inventory, Hospital Management Software boosts the overall performance of the hospital.

Hospital Management Software certifies the accuracy and completeness of patient data which allows the healthcare services providers to deliver more personalized treatment and care to patients.

With employee management software hospitality, you can improve communication between staff members, departments, and patients. This can reduce errors, improve coordination, and enhance the overall patient experience.

As Hospital Management Systems go hand in hand with data security and privacy regulations patient data and hospital information gets assured protection and security.

As the HMS generates insightful reports of several operations within a healthcare organization it helps to improve decision-making.

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Why Choose Bigscal for your Hospital management software development?

Welcome to Bigscal’s hospitality management system software – the cutting-edge solution that transforms healthcare administration. In an industry where efficiency, accuracy, financial management and patient care are paramount, our software stands as the pillar of support that hospitals need.

Telemedicine App Development Company
  • Streamlined Operations

    Our software simplifies complex hospital operations, from appointment scheduling to billing. Say goodbye to paperwork chaos and billing errors.

  • Enhanced Patient Care

    Through in-real-time monitoring and automated procedures, our applications have the potential to relieve physicians of administrative burdens and direct their efforts toward a single goal – top-notch healthcare.

  • Security & Compliance

    Health Information Exchange has to take into account the role of physicians in commanding and protecting the privacy of patients. Beside Bigscal’s Hospital Software Management is built on world-class security elements to check HIPAA and GDPR standards.

  • Scalable & Customizable

    Regardless of whether you are a small clinic network or big hospital network, our software has a scalable architecture that can accommodate your desires. Modify it to your field of interest and see how your hospital turns a profit.

  • Analytics & Insights

    Our robust data analytics tools can assist you in making fact-based choices. Obtain a deep knowledge in field of patients trends, resource distribution and financial health.

  • Constant Customer Support

    To maximize the production of the best hospital management software, we put the customer satisfaction in the focus area. Due to this reason our aim behind providing 24/7 customer support services is to take your development experience to the next level.

Types of Hospital management systems you get with Bigscal

Healthcare today is not the same as it was yesterday. Its dynamic nature forges the need for powerful hospital management which ensures its patients get the best quality of care and operations are optimized. Bigscal Hospital Management Solution is the medication to improve modern healthcare management. Our hospital database system is designed to service the diverse requirements of healthcare services administration, physical practices, and clinicians, in addition to the quality of patient care. Here is list of our unique services: Here is list of our unique services:

  • Electronic Medical Records
  • Hospital Inventory Management System
  • Pharmacy Management
  • Lab Management Systems
  • Radiology Management Systems
  • Doctor & Patient Mobile Apps

Elevate your hospital’s efficiency, patient care, and overall performance with our comprehensive suite.

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Got a Project in Mind? Tell Us More

Drop us a line and we’ll get back to you immediately to schedule a call and discuss your needs personally.

Bigscal’s Process of Hospital Management Software Development

Developing the HMS that will correspond with the healthcare agencies’ diverse necessities entails a well structured and organized development process. At Bigscal, we follow a comprehensive approach that ensures efficiency, accuracy, and scalability throughout the software development lifecycle: At Bigscal, we follow a comprehensive approach that ensures efficiency, accuracy, and scalability throughout the software development lifecycle:


Collecting requirements

During this stage, we must establish each particular requirement the healthcare facility has. We enter into comprehensive dialogues with stakeholders to firstly, establish any hurdles, objectives, and needs.


Making a plan

Utilizing the gathered requirements, we build up a specified project plan. It the plan which are detailed project scope, time frame, resource allocation and technology stack choice.



First of all we come to the designing phase which is the most crucial to the software user experience and functionality. Our experienced designers are in charge of creating user interfaces that are both intuitive and thought through with a software infrastructure designed by the pro architects. it will enable scalability and great performance.



As we provide the best software for hospital management. With the design in place, coder will begin the job to develop our visitor tracking and hospitality management system. We observe the industry best practices and guidelines wherever possible to achieve and maintain the importance of the outcome.


Testing and deployment

Rigorous testing is a non-negotiable step in our development process. We perform unit testing, integration testing, and system testing to identify and rectify any issues. Once the software is stable, we proceed with deployment, ensuring a seamless transition.


Support and maintenance

Our commitment to our clients doesn’t end with deployment. We provide continuous support and maintenance to resolve any issues, implement updates, and ensure the software remains efficient and secure.

Our Software Development Case Studies

Software development & outsourcing services have been our main focus since our inception. Being end-to-end software development partners to our patrons, we have engaged with them in their technology enhancement journey and helped them with best-in-class solutions. We have captured a few case studies to reveal how we became our clients’ favorite.

A Time-Tracking Desktop App

A time tracking tool that monitors staff computer usage and activity levels, including open programs and websites visited, it takes randomly chosen screenshots and more.

Core tech

ReactJs, nodeJs, MongoDB

A Gaming Application

In the Business Game, players roll two six-sided dice to move around the game board, buying and trading properties, and developing them into houses and hotels.

Core tech

Unity 3D, FireBase

A Finance Managemnt System

a system for managing finances that helps keep everyone informed about their financial situation and show them how to save money.

Core tech

ReactJs, nodeJs, MongoDB

An Architectural Business Management Software

Downright Tiles offers tile services for residential and commercial properties, including remodeling, renovation, repair, and installation.

Core tech

.NET, MVC5, Decoupled Architecture

Our Latest Blogs

Bigscal creates articles that broaden your knowledge and provide you with in-depth details on the most recent developments in the IT business. Our specialists are always looking into new IT technologies and creating articles for our cherished clients.


Clinical management systems are computer software programs healthcare organizations and facilities use to automate and optimize administrative and clinical tasks within a healthcare facility such as appointment scheduling, lodging records, billing, lab work, patient materials management, personnel scheduling and so on. It is interested in that surgery efficiencies will be enhanced overall and the patients will benefit from it.

Hospital management systems usually have certain important functionalities, for instance, patient data recording, appointment scheduling, insurance organization and billing, revenue cycle management, inventory control for pharmacy department, laboratory report as well as research documentation, electronic health records (EHRs) and administrative tools. These tools are combined and form integrated system that allows to carry out functions in a professional way.

There are several basic components of hospital contract management software: process modelling, designing a system, coding, testing, implementation, debugging, and maintenance. The formation of the team involves a multidisciplinary group of software engineers, healthcare professionals and human resources managers. The United States demand the fact to have a careful planning and HIPAA and other industry regulations being as an essential part to ensure the data security and compliance to the regulations.

Many hospitals use electronic health record (EMR) systems including Epic, Cerner, and Allscripts. Today, EHR software is one of the most widely adopted solutions in healthcare organizations for the departmental record-keeping, medical administration, and invoicing processes. Nevertheless, the software choice may differ in respect to the size of the hospital, for instance, or the hospital’s budget, or the specific requirements of the users of the health software.

Within the hospital context, a database management system (DBMS) is the central component of hospital management information system (HMIS). It holds, groups and surveys patient data such as responses to treatment, medical records, and employee records. The relational database systems that are most commonly used by healthcare providers are MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle systems that have been usually engineered to meet the complicated data retrieval and storage problematics that are experienced in hospitals.

The process of developing a clinical management system involves requirements gathering, system design, development, testing, deployment, and ongoing maintenance This requires close collaboration between software engineers and healthcare providers to ensure that the system is clinical requirements meet regulatory standards.

The technologies used in developing clinical management systems can vary but often include programming languages ​​such as Java, Python, or C#, web development frameworks such as Django or Ruby on Rails, databases such as MySQL or PostgreSQL and technologies such as HL7 for exchanging health information, and secure encryption protocols are essential for security.

Yes, hospital management systems are highly customizable to meet the specific needs of a healthcare facility. Software developers can tailor the system to accommodate unique workflows, reporting requirements, and features that align with the hospital’s goals and processes. Customization ensures that the system effectively addresses the hospital’s specific challenges and objectives while maintaining compliance with healthcare regulations.

What Our Valuable Clients Say About Us

We are grateful for our clients’ trust in us, and we take great pride in delivering quality solutions that exceed their expectations. Here is what some of them have to say about us:

"BigScal’s dedicated and talented staff made the effort to understand my complex requirements and met these challenges with insightful.Their greatest strength is an ability to listen to what a client need."

Dr. Dosist

Owner, Brew-EZ

"Their communication was very impressive, especially since there’s a great distance between Colorado and India."

Ilona Maxwell

Owner, Brew-EZ

"They were an extension of our team that we trusted and relied upon."

Lindsay Fairman

Founder, B2C & B2B

"We are happy with their high-quality work."

Kirk Rogers

Managing Director, Priovanti

"Very good cooperation! The work was always professional and always on time. We will hire them definitely again."


Owner, Brew-EZ

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