Take the Lead with Web3.JS

How to run Web3.JS

Quick Summary: Running Web3.js empowers you to connect, interact, and build on blockchain networks like Ethereum. You can harness this robust JavaScript library’s potential in just a few steps. So, Enable yourself to create transactions, query data, and revolutionize the world of decentralized technology. Step into the future and start working on Web3.js. Please read all about it!


Prepare to become a part of this transformative world of decentralized applications as we guide you on running Web3.js. In an era where blockchain technology is reshaping industries, Web3.js emerges as a vital tool, enabling developers to utilize the full potential of this innovation.

Web3.js is your gateway to seamless interaction with blockchain networks, particularly Ethereum. Additionally, In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, Web3.js stands as an indispensable tool, providing a seamless interface for expert blockchain developers to connect with blockchain networks like Ethereum. With its potential to revolutionize industries, Web3.js is your ticket to innovation.

Are you curious to step into the realm of blockchain development and become one of the expert blockchain developers?

You can do so just by reading this writing piece…

What is Web3.JS?

Web3.js is vital for developers looking to incorporate blockchain functionality into their web applications, mainly when working with the Ethereum blockchain. It simplifies complex interactions with the blockchain, making it easier for programmers to access. Several modules in the web3.js library contain specific functionality for the Ethereum ecosystem.

Web3.js interacts with local (such as “ganache”) and remote Ethereum nodes. It also interacts with smart contracts.

It retrieves account balance, gas price, and so on.

Web3.js objects typically include a callback as the last parameter, and their functions offer promises as a return value.

What is The Use Of Web3.JS?

A JavaScript package called Web3.js enables programmers to communicate with the Ethereum network. It bridges your web application and the Ethereum blockchain, allowing you to build decentralized applications (DApps) and perform various blockchain-related tasks. Some common uses of Web3.js include:

1.Smart Contract Interaction

You can use Web3.js to deploy and engage with Ethereum blockchain smart contracts. Additionally, This includes sending transactions to execute functions within smart contracts.

2.Account Management

Web3.js helps you manage Ethereum accounts, including creating new accounts, checking balances, and transferring Ether (ETH) between accounts.

3.Transaction Handling

It facilitates the creation and management of transactions, allowing you to send transactions to the Ethereum network and monitor their status.

4.Event Listening

You can subscribe to and listen to events emitted by smart contracts, enabling your DApp to react to specific blockchain events.

5.Blockchain Data Retrieval

Web3.js provides methods to fetch blockchain information, including block details, transaction specifics, and token balances.

6.Integration with Web Apps

It enables the integration of Ethereum functionality into web applications, allowing users to interact with blockchain features through a user-friendly interface.

7.Decentralized Application Development

Web3.js is crucial for building decentralized applications (DApps) on the Ethereum blockchain. It provides the tools necessary to create user interfaces for DApps and connect them to the blockchain.

Web3.Js Library Includes Features

For the Ethereum ecosystem, the Web3.js library includes features like…


-> This functionality is for Ethereum Blockchain and Smart Contracts.


-> This allows broadcast and peer-to-peer communication.


-> This feature is for decentralized file storage.


-> it is a very useful function for developers of Dapps.
Before starting the project, we will check whether we have a node or not, if you haven’t installed the node, then click on this link to install the node. “https://nodejs.org/en/”

Now, here is some information on Web3.js.

Open your terminal and install web3.

After installing web3 run the command into the terminal.

Initialize the node and start running commands.


let Web3 = require(“web3”);

In the terminal, type Web3 to get all functions and modules.

If you want to check the web3 version then write this command

Web3 provides utils and modules for Ethereum Blockchain.
Check Property of Web3.utils

You can also use Infura or the URL from Ganache for testing.
ganache looks like.

Start ganache in your system and take the RPC server.
let url = “HTTP://”;

For every feature, Web3 has a transaction function.
let web3 = new Web3(url);

Let us get the local address from the ganache. if you don’t have ganache, then install it from this link: “https://trufflesuite.com/ganache/” ganache provides local Etherium Blockchain for testing, executing Commands, and controlling how to chain works.

var address = “0xE953878466efada2c651501C19E1AD2b7bE7E308”;

If you want to get the balance from this address, write this function.
web3.eth.getBalance(address,(err,bal)=>{balance = bal});
This balance is in get wei form

Convert wei form to ether form

Convert wei form to Gwei form

The direct conversion of balance into ether form.
web3.eth.getBalance(address,(err,bal)=>{balance = web3.utils.fromWei(balance,’ether’)});

Get gas price into ether form

You want to create accounts in the Ethereum Blockchain, not in local

Account created like address and private key

    address: '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000', 
    privateKey: '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', 
    signTransaction: [Function: signTransaction], 
    sign: [Function: sign], 
    encrypt: [Function: encrypt] 

Implement web3 with smart contracts, take an abi from “ethercsan.io” ERC20 token contract, and go to code.
var contractAddress = “0xE953878466efada2c651501C19E1AD2b7bE7E308”
var abi = [{“constant”:true,”inputs”:[],”name”:”name”,”outputs”:[{“name”:””,”type”:”string”}],,{“anonymous”:false,”inputs”:[],…,”name”:”Unpause”,”type”:”event”}]

—> take a contract
var contract = new web3.eth.Contract(abi,contractAddress);

Contracts have methods and events.

You just write “contract.methods” and get all methods of a smart contract.

Similarly, You just write “contract.events” and get all events of the smart contract.

Send the currency from the first account to another account in the same manner, but in wei form.
web3.eth.sendTransaction({from:’0xE953878466efada2c651501C19E1AD2b7bE7E308′, to:’0x00a7e026ed9b0d54F2DE32Aa453bE718464dE647′,value:10000000000000000000})
.on(‘confirmation’,function(num,rec){console.log(“num => “,num,”rec => “,rec)})

If you want to learn the whole Web3.js refer to this link and get full information: “https://web3js.readthedocs.io/en
image : “https://miro.medium.com/max/720/0*PLNJAZVD6XfcHT7l.png


As you read how to set up a web3.js environment, create and deploy a smart contract, and interact with the contract using web3.js. By the end of this guide, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a web3.js expert!

To harness the power of this JavaScript library effectively, enlisting the expertise of blockchain developers is crucial. Expert blockchain developers possess the skills to navigate the intricate world of decentralized applications and smart contracts, ensuring your project’s success.

Moreover, you can approach us if you still have any doubts or issues. Developers at BigScal are fully knowledgeable about blockchain. Hence, we can become your ideal partner.

Further, Our experts bring a wealth of experience, adept at crafting decentralized solutions that can revolutionize your business. By leveraging Web3.js under their guidance, you’ll seamlessly connect your applications with blockchain networks, enabling features like decentralized finance, NFTs, and secure data storage.


No, Web3.js is not deprecated. It is still widely used by Ethereum developers to interact with the Ethereum blockchain. However, it has undergone several breaking changes over the years, so developers should be aware of these changes when using the library.
In addition, MetaMask has deprecated the window.web3 global object, which was previously used to inject the Web3.js library into web pages. Developers should now use the ethereumProvider API instead.

To import Web3.js in JavaScript, you can use either Node.js or a web browser. In Node.js, use require:
const Web3 = require(‘web3’);
const web3 = new Web3(‘https://your.infura.io/apikey’);
In a browser, use ES6 import:

import Web3 from ‘web3’;
const web3 = new Web3(‘https://your.infura.io/apikey’);

Ensure you’ve installed Web3.js using npm or yarn. you can do so by using the appropriate import statements based on your environment. If you’re working in a Node.js environment, you can use the ‘require’ statement to include Web3.js in your project. On the other hand, if you’re developing for a web browser, you can use ES6 ‘import’ statements. Make sure you have Web3.js installed in your project before attempting to import it. After importing, you can create a new instance of Web3 and specify the Ethereum provider endpoint to connect to the Ethereum blockchain. This allows you to interact with Ethereum smart contracts and blockchain data using Web3.js in your JavaScript application.

In a Web3.js example, you can connect to the Ethereum blockchain, interact with smart contracts, and retrieve data. You might initialize Web3, set the provider (like Infura), load a contract ABI, and then call contract functions to interact with the blockchain. This allows you to read data or send transactions to the Ethereum network, enabling various decentralized applications and services.

const Web3 = require(‘web3’);
const web3 = new Web3(‘https://your.infura.io/apikey’);

web3.eth.getBlockNumber().then(blockNumber => {
console.log(`Latest block number: ${blockNumber}`);
}).catch(error => {
console.error(`Error: ${error}`);

No, Web3.js is not a programming language; it is a JavaScript library. It provides a set of JavaScript functions and tools for developers to interact with the Ethereum blockchain and smart contracts using JavaScript. Developers use Web3.js within JavaScript programs to build decentralized applications (dApps) and perform blockchain-related tasks.

The choice between Python and JavaScript for Web3 largely depends on your specific use case and familiarity with the languages. JavaScript, with libraries like Web3.js, is more widely adopted in the Ethereum ecosystem, offering comprehensive support and documentation. Python, with libraries like Web3.py, is suitable if you prefer Python or if your project involves integration with other Python-based tools. Ultimately, the “better” option depends on your project requirements and your team’s expertise.