Stripe+React Native: Your E-Commerce Solution

How to Integrate Stripe Payment Gateway in React Native

Quick Summary: This article focusеs on using the Stripe React-nativе SDK to facilitatе paymеnt procеssing. It will еxplorе thе stеp-by-step guide for integrating Stripе Payment and using the SDK to enable sеamlеss and sеcurе paymеnt transactions in Rеact nativе applications.


Although Stripе is just thе sеcond most popular paymеnt gatеway (PayPal rеmains thе #1), nеw and currеnt businеssеs throughout the world are incrеasingly using it. Stripе Paymеnt procеssеs morе than $200 billion in transactions.

Dеspitе thе fact that thеrе arе sеvеral diffеrеnt paymеnt procеssors availablе, Stripе makеs it simplе to managе intеrnational transactions, particularly whеn accеpting paymеnts in dollars, pounds, еuros, or any othеr global currеncy.

With thе introduction of the official Stripe Rеact Native SDK, accеpting paymеnts and sеtting up subscriptions in your Rеact Native app has nеvеr bееn easier. Whilе thе SDK is currеntly in bеta, it is important to dеlvе in and see what it has to offеr, as well as how it spееds up intеgration and improvеs UI/UX.

In this articlе, I’ll tеach you how to takе paymеnts using the Stripe Rеact Native SDK, which was just rеlеasеd.

Bеforе we move deep into the article, lеt’s understand React Native to provide thе Best React Native Services

What is React Native?

React Native (RN) allows developers to build native cross-platform apps using Cordova / Ionic. Despite this, React Native has yet to release a stable version (1.0.0_).

Furthermore, React Native is useful for designing native mobile applications, and it is with JavaScript code. React Native is belongs to social media giant Facebook. Overall, it is the best option to build mobile applications with React Native.

Additionally, React Native streamlines the building of both Android and IOS apps as React code can be shared across multiple platforms.

Apps that use React Native render using native mobile components, not web views, and are similar to any other native app on the mobile platform. As well as JavaScript interfaces for platform APIs, React Native allows you to access platform features such as the camera on your phone or the user’s location in your app. Several user-facing applications are already in production at Facebook, Palantir, TaskRabbit, etc.

What Exactly Is Stripe?

Stripe is a financial and software provider that uses its API to allow software developers and e-commerce businesses to achieve seamless payment. Stripe is a corporation that provides software as a service (SaaS).

One out of every three paid services offered online now employs StripeStripe as a payment option as fintech continues to gain traction among new and current SaaS firms across the world. The easiest method to lessen the headache of payment integration in your iOS and Android apps is to have a thorough understanding of how to integrate StripeStripe into your React Native app.

How Does Stripe Work?

Let’s understand with the help of examples to understand Strip more precisely.

A charge is a record of a transaction for an amount to be deducted from a credit card.

Furthermore, the token is just a representation of your credit card that StripeStripe has encoded with your publishable key. You can only use it once.

A customer is the owner of one or multiple means of payment, e.g., sources.

A source is a different version of your card and you can use it to make recurring payments. Your secret key or the Stripe dashboard is the only way to produce it.


The Stripe Native SDK for React Native

After you’ve learned about Stripe, the easiest approach to get started using the Stripe API is to go through the official Stripe documentation.

Stripe documentation –

But guess what? The Stripe React Native SDK can reduce that process by about 60%.

  • Security

Stripe’s React Native SDK allows you to collect sensitive data like credit card details and securely take payments by sending them to Stripe’s API rather than through your backend server.

  • Apple Pay and alternative means of payment

SDK supports Multiple payment methods, including bank transfers, debits, and redirection; credit cards, purchase now, pay later; vouchers; and digital wallets. Apple Pay is also available as an add-on. Stripe’s official guidance on how to integrate Apple Pay and other payment methods can be found here.

integrate Apple Pay –

other payment methods –

  • Native UI Pay and alternative means of payment

Stripe React Native SDK includes native panels and widgets for accepting payments securely on Android and iOS.

  • Pre-made payment interface (beta)

Stripe’s pre-built payment UIs are supported by the SDK. This functionality is currently in beta, with Apple Pay, Google Pay, and card payment UIs supported. However, support for more payment methods is planned for the future. Stripe payment UIs may be found here.

In these tutorials, we’ll develop and test a payment page in our React Native app to learn about some of the capabilities described above. In the following part, we’ll get started.

Creating a Stripe account

Stripe is no exception since every SDK requires personal access credentials. To continue with this React Native tutorial, we’ll need to register a Stripe account and get our personal keys so that we can collect payments.

To get started, go to and either establish an account or log in to an existing one.

Link –

Get your public key next. Keep your key safe it’s the key to your Stripe account.

React Native Stripe application

Now that you have set up your Stripe account and are using your public key, let’s start building a React Native app.

To install a new React Native app, go to your development directory and paste the following command:

npx react-native stripeReactNativeDemo

Once the installation is complete, open the StripeReactNative terminal and paste the following code to install the Stripe React Native SDK package in your app:

yarn add @stripe/stripe-react-native
npm install @stripe/stripe-react-native

For Android and iOS support, the Stripe React Native SDK has several needs. You may look them up here:


  • Android 5.0 (API level 21) and above
  • Android Gradle plugin 4.x and above


  • Compatible with apps targeting iOS 11 or above.

Installing with iOS

It is more difficult to install the Stripe React Native SDK in iOS than in Android.

Set your deployment target to iOS 11.0 in XCode after installing StripeReactNative.xcworkspace.

Ensure all changes are applied to your project using Xcode, then navigate to the iOS folder. Open podfile, update platform: ios, ‘10.0’ to platform: ios, ‘11.0’, and run pod install. For iOS, this will install the Stripe native dependencies.

The next step is to remove the default React Native code from App.js. Replace the code below with the following:

A blank screen should appear when you run the app:

Building the payment page

As soon as we’ve installed the SDK, let’s build our first payment screen.

Building a card component

To begin, create a new folder called screens in your React Native app’s root directory.

Create a new file named paymentScreen.js in the folder, then put in the code below:

import React, {useState} from "react";
                       import {
                       } from '@stripe/stripe-react-native';
                       export default StripPaymentScreen = () => {
                       const [card, setCard] = useState(CardFieldInput.Details | null);
                       const {confirmPayment, handleCardAction} = useStripe()
                       onFocus={(focusedField) => {
                       console.log('focusField', focusedField);
                       Next, import paymentScreen.js into the project's root directory.
                       Open App.js and make the following changes to the code:
                       import React from 'react';
                       import {
                       } from 'react-native';
                       import { StripeProvider } from '@stripe/stripe-react-native';
                       import PaymentScreen from "./screens/paymentScreen";
                       const App = () => {
                       const publishableKey = "pk_test_AtN3VLAFhzbLNqf3Y9z50iNQ";
                       return (
                       const styles = StyleSheet.create({
                       export default App;

Let’s launch our app to see how far we’ve come.

Run IOS build

npx react-native run-ios.

Run Android build

npx react-native run-android.

Pre-built UI

This functionality combines all of the procedures necessary in taking payment using credit card information in Stripe. This integration requires a server-side interface that talks with the Stripe API.

How does Bigscal help you to integrate stripe payments gateways in React Native?

Bigscal is a leading React native app development company that helps clients integrate stripe payment gateways in the application by providing a simple and efficient library or plugin that abstracts the complex payment processes. Our expertise includes:

  • Providing pre-built components and APIs.
  • Reducing the implementation effort.
  • Enabling smooth payment integration with just a few lines of code.


Stripe’s Stripe React Native SDK is incredibly simple to use. It’s quickly becoming popular among developers thanks to supporting prebuilt UIs (with plans to add more in the future) and payment alternatives.


PayPal and Stripe both provide PCI-compliant services, which means they comply with the Payment Card Industry’s standards.

The Stripe payment processor charges a flat rate per transaction; for example, online sales cost 2.9% + 30 cents. Furthermore, the strip does not charge any subscription fees or set-up fees.

By choosing an Individual/Sole proprietorship, you can use Stripe as an individual if you haven’t set up a separate business entity.

Payout availability varies by country and industry with Stripe, which pays directly to your bank account. Instant Payouts are also available, which are typically sent within 30 minutes of requesting them.

Using strips offers benefits such as easy setup and integration, global payment support, robust security features, extensive documentation, reliable customer support and the ability to accept various payment methods online.