Unlock the power of React Discover essential design patterns

React Design Patterns : You Should Know in 2024

Quick Summary: Learn how React design patterns empower developers to create maintainable, flexible, and high-performance applications. Optimize your React.js projects with these essential patterns in 2024.


There is no denying that React has gained enormous popularity among people within just a few years. For many years JavaScript, HTML and CSS.

But React has brought about necessary changes and relief for developers. It is easy to use and has great benefits for developers. It has features like reusable components, the best tools for developers and a vast ecosystem, making it the most preferred one.

React has now introduced a virtual DOM concept where you don’t need to worry about processes in the traditional approach. Hence it has a useful level of abstraction.

It has a much-needed edge over the competition to other frameworks because React developers keep maintaining their libraries. Therefore, many factors keep React at the top of the competition. You may tend to Detailed Hire React Developers.

One more beneficial thing about React is that it has numerous design patterns. This text has some shortlisted React patterns that are worth knowing in 2023.

Introduction to Design Pattern in React

Design patterns are a solution to problems that happen very commonly. The best part is they are reusable. Also, you can reuse them along with being expressive. They may help lower code size and make it simpler for others to recognize code.

React design patterns offer the Trusted React.js Solutions to development problems. Hence it could help save time and effort while finding solutions. They could also simplify complex applications and lessen the development team’s stress. Hence it lets each component share logic without any duplication process.

What are the advantages of using React design patterns?

1. Reusability

With React design patterns, you can construct reusable components across applications. It will not only help you save time but also effort. Further, it can also help develop a unified and consistent interface.

Know that these design patterns accompany reusable templates that promote reusability. Hence it is one of the most compelling reasons to use React. No need to reinvent the cycle from starting for each new functionality.

2. Scalability

Are you looking for a predefined solution that can fix all regular issues? Well, React design patterns can be helpful. They offer a systematic way to make codes. Hence they are simple for developers and easy to maintain, even for large applications. Therefore they can easily scale apps.

You can expand the application developed using React easily. It is because the components are not complex and are easy to maintain. Hence you can easily make any modifications you want to one component without affecting others. Also, each component is independent.

3. Efficiency

The design of React is dependent on components, and it has virtual DOM that facilitates better speed of updates, enhanced efficiency and reduced time for loading pages. Hence your application will work faster and become user-friendly.

Therefore, these design patterns are necessary if you want to optimize your ReactJs application’s performance. And going for patterns like memoization could be a good idea.

4. Flexibility

Flexibility is a necessary factor for your application to stay in the market. While you use component design patterns, it can help you make different combinations of components to develop unique solutions. Hence it can let you design a user interface that suits the particular need of your application. It gives you an advantage over all the competitors in the market.

5. Consistency

By sticking to the React design patterns, you can make the user experience better, uniform and simple. They can effortlessly go through it and search for their needs. It might also make your customers happy and increase your engagement. Also, it will further lead to better revenue generation.

There is a high chance that code gets modular and decoupled with Reactjs design patterns. Hence it gets easier to maintain code. It is because any changes to one part of the code would not impact other parts.

Also, these design patterns ensure code readability, which helps developers understand the codebase easily.

React Design Patterns You Should Know in 2023 CTA2

Top React design patterns that you should know by the end of 2023

1. Higher-Order Component Pattern

The higher-order component pattern, generally shortened to HOC, is advanced. A React design pattern can reuse component logic throughout the application. It can also help avoid concerns where the features need to share logic.

It is not in the core of React API, but they pop up from the compositional nature of React components that are JavaScript functions.

Hence a high-order component is similar to the high-order function of JavaScript. So just like them, HOCs act as a decorator function.

The structure of higher-order components in React is depicted below:

		import React, { Component } from "react";
				const higherOrderComponent = (DecoratedComponent) => {
					class HOC extends Component {
						render() {
						return <DecoratedComponent />;
				return HOC;

2. Provider Pattern

A provider pattern can be a good choice if you want to share data globally across the various components in the component tree.

The provider component that carries global data and will pass it to the rest of the components in the component tree. It does so by using a custom hook. But it is nothing of a new concept to React libraries like React Redux.

Below is the code that will provide an idea of the provider pattern:

React-Redux Provider Design Pattern Structure

		import React from 'react'
			import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
			import { Provider } from 'react-redux'
			import store from './store'
			import App from './App.'
			const rootElement = document.getElementById('root')
				<Provider store={store}>
				<App />

In React, the implementation of this pattern is through React context API. Just on default React will support the unilateral flow of data in a downward direction. Hence it passes data to even a child component that sits at the down of the component tree. Also, in this pattern, props have to pass through all levels, known as prop drilling.

The React context API employs a provider pattern for solving this issue. Hence without prop drilling, one can share data across components.

If you want to use context API, you must develop a context object with the help of React.createContext.

Also Read: How To Hire React Developers For Your Project

3. Presentational and Container Components

It is a term that Dan Abramov introduced. However, he no longer believes this idea. Presentational and container components are equally useful as they can help separate problems.

A hook pattern is a good choice for this concern as it helps separate it without arbitrary division. But know that this pattern might be helpful as per your needs.

These patterns are preferable as they could separate code in a manner that is easily understood.

Presentational components are stateless functional components. They only provide data for viewing. Also, they don’t have any dependencies on the rest of the application.

You can also implement them with React class components when the state is related to the view. One such dictation of presentational components is given below:

Presentational Component

		const usersList = ({users}) = {
				return (
					{users.map((user) = (
					li key={user.id}

Container Component

		class Users extends React.Component {
				state = {
					users: []
				componentDidMount() {
				render() {
					return (); // ... jsx code with presentation component

Container components help in tracking the internal state and life cycle. They, too, have presentational components along with data-fetching logic.

4. Compound Components

Compound components are a React container pattern classified as an advanced pattern. It helps provide a simple and better way for numerous components to share states and logic. They provide a flexible, expressive API for better communication between parent and child components. It also enables a parent component to link and distribute state implicitly with base-level components.

Hence they are suitable for building declarative user interfaces. ‘

Perfect examples of this pattern are select an option HTML elements. Both of them work in tandem and allow a drop-down field. Here’s an example of this code:

		import React, { useState, useContext } from "react";
			const SelectContext = React.createContext();
			const Select = ({ children }) => {
				const [activeOption, setActiveOption] = useState(null);
				return (
					<SelectContext.Provider value={{ activeOption, setActiveOption }}>
			const Option = ({ key, children }) => {
				const { activeOption, setActiveOption } = useContext(DropDownContext);
				if (!activeOption || !setActiveOption) {
					throw new Error(
					"Context is undefined. Option should be used within the scope of a Select component!!"
					return (
					<p>Option should be used within the scope of a Select component!!</p>
				return (
						activeOption === key
						? { backgroundColor: "grey" }
						: { backgroundColor: "white" }
					onClick={() => setActiveOption(key)}
			Select.Option = Option;
			export default function App() {
				return (
					<Select.Option key="oliver">Oliver</Select.Option>
					<Select.Option key="eve">Eve</Select.Option>

5. Render props pattern

You might have seen above that HOC can be more easily used for rousing props and shared logic. But in this part, you will know a different way to make the React components more reusable across the application. And you can do this by using the Render props pattern.

Suppose that you have a paragraph component. Now it will render anything that you pass to it. The main aim of this component is to render the value passed to it.

Hence this means that it is a component that will receive a render prop and, in turn, will give a JSX Component. Isn’t it so simple?

But now, let’s watch a scenario that seems more relatable. Think that you have a text input whose value is to be shared with two components. Here we can seek the help of Render props.

But don’t you think that text input should be in the parent component? Yes, it should be.

But it gets hard to perform state lifting when it is about larger applications.

		import { useState } from "react";
			const TextInput = (props) => {
			const [value, setValue] = useState("");
				return (
						onChange={(e) => setValue(e.target.value)}
						placeholder="Type text..."
			export default TextInput;

6. React Conditional rendering design pattern

For almost all apps based on React, there are instances where developers have to render elements as per certain conditions. Hence, React conditional rendering pattern can be used as per needs.

Hence if you wish to integrate an authentication option into your app, you must make a visible logout and login button. It should be visible to first-time users. Hence this process of rendering elements can be called a conditional rendering pattern of React.

The if statement is one of the most basic statements used in this pattern. It is used specifically when one condition has to be passed. Another popular one is the suppose/else statement. It is ideal when the developer has to pass more than one condition.

		function App(props) {
				const { role } = props;
				if (role === "author") {
					return <AuthorLayout>Let’s write something</AuthorLayout>;
				if (role === "admin") {
					return <AdminLayout>Here are the latest reports </AdminLayout>;
				if (role === "moderator") {
					return <ModeratorLayout>These are the ongoing events</ModeratorLayout>;
				return <GuestLayout>Your current feed</GuestLayout>;

The above code can be refactored using switch/case statement like:

		function App(props) {
				const { role } = props;
				switch (role) {
					case "author":
					return <AuthorLayout> Let’s write something </AuthorLayout>;
					case "admin":
					return <AdminLayout> Here are the latest reports </AdminLayout>;
					case "moderator":
					return <ModeratorLayout> These are the ongoing events </ModeratorLayout>;
					return <GuestLayout>Your current feed</GuestLayout>;

7. React hooks design pattern

The React Hooks APIs came into existence in the 16.8 version of React. It has now changed how React components are built. These hooks provide the functional components of React with an easy and direct way to get access to features.

Therefore functional components need not act as dumb as they can utilize state. Further, they can even hook into the component lifecycle and do more things from functional components. Back in time, they were only reinforced by class components.

Even though presentational and container components help separate concerns, they might become giant components. These giant components are tough to read and maintain. Also, these containers are classes that are harder to read. Hence you might also face other problems while working with containers.

With the help of supercharging components with abilities to track their internal state and access the lifecycle of components, the Hooks pattern can help you out. Hence they are composable and can avoid the problem of working with the keyword. Here’s an example of Hooks pattern:

		import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
			function Profile({ id }) {
			const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
			const [user, setUser] = useState({});
			// Similar to componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate:
			useEffect(() => {
				return () => {
			}, [id]);
			const subscribeToOnlineStatus = () => {
				// subscribe logic
			const unSubscribeToOnlineStatus = () => {
				// unsubscribe logic
			const fetchUser = (id) => {
				// fetch user logic here
			const updateProfile = async (id) => {
				// fetch user data
				await fetchUser(id);
			return; // ... jsx logic
			export default Profile;

Also Read: Types of React Hooks & Best Practices

8. State reducer pattern

The State Reducer pattern has recently gained immense popularity after React hooks were introduced. It has now become the most preferred one for codebases in the production stage because it helps in Redux workflow abstraction through the Reducer hook.

The simplest way to start using the state reducer pattern is to develop a helper hook. Below is the description of how to create a state reducer pattern.

		const Toggle = () => {
				const [on, toggle] = useToggle({
					reducer(currentState, action) {
					const updates = toggleReducer(currentState, action);
					return updates;
				return (
					<button onClick={toggle}>{on ? "Off" : "On"}</button>
			export default Toggle;

How Can Bigscal Help You with React Js Design Patterns?

Most businesses are looking to make the most out of ReactJS development services. They focus on hiring skilled ReactJS developers with exceptional knowledge of React design patterns. Are you looking for the same? If yes, then Bigscal Technologies Pvt Ltd can help you out. Bigscal is a top software development company that provides React development services that are scalable and maintainable with React design patterns. These applications will be specifically designed to match your business needs.

Contact us now to learn how we can help you with your ReactJS development needs.


The community of ReactJs developers is increasing quickly. There are plenty of resources online, which makes it easy and simple to understand and use ReactJs. Its characteristics, such as solid structure, offer strength to the system. The design patterns of React are one of the most liked characteristics of this framework.

These design patterns make the code maintainable and optimized. It lets programmers construct flexible applications. Hence you can execute it successfully with easy maintenance.

It is easily possible to develop maintainable React apps with design patterns. They have best practices along with recommendations to address React issues.

React Design Patterns You Should Know in 2023 CTA1


Yes, using diverse design patterns in the same application is feasible. And when you combine these patterns, you could develop a more flexible and reliable solution. Hence you can go for mixing them if needed.

For integrating React patterns into your application, you might try building it from scratch. Or else you can try third-party libraries. They have pre-built integrations of patterns.

To choose the best among all the options, you will have to understand the particular needs of your project. Consider factors like structure, maintenance and scalability before opting for any pattern. Hence after reviewing all these, it will be easier for you.

Using React design patterns is important for your application. It can help you make code more effective, high in quality and easy to maintain. They provide trusted solutions to issues that can help enhance the speed of the application. Hence it could eventually improve user experience.

The container view pattern is the best choice for React Native. It offers the best features when developing an application in a native environment.