React Js Vs Cycle Js: Exploring Better Options!

React Js Vs Cycle Js: Why Switch To Cycle Over React?

Quick Summary: When we are about to begin any software development project, we start with choosing the technologies or frameworks. And once we shortlist some, we need to compare those frameworks or technologies. So, for the same concern today, we came up with the comparison of ReactJS Vs Cycle Js. Keep reading!


ReactJS Vs Cycle Js are two of the most popular front-end frameworks. Most developers today probably use a framework while creating apps. We can save time and organize complex apps with the aid of frameworks. We hear much debate about which framework is the best, which framework you should learn first, etc., on a daily basis. So today, let’s see the comparison between reactjs Vs cycle js and know which framework to choose.

The most popular front-end framework nowadays is React, which has a great community. We truly like it, and it has significantly altered how we think about and create online applications. Some developers who are providing React.JS development Services adore it. While others believe it isn’t as great as everyone claims.

Most people begin using React without considering whether there might be a more effective method to create a web application. That moment of introspection inspired me to explore Cycle.js, a brand-new reactive framework that is quickly gaining popularity.

In this blog, we will define React programming, describe Cycle.js’ functionality, and discuss why we prefer it to React.

Let’s begin, then!

What Is Cycle Js?

Before you go for the comparison between Cycle js vs. React, let’s understand what Cycle js is exactly.

The CycleJS framework generates predictable code based on the code you write. Further, cycle js only has pure functions and is responsible for the predictable output.

Why Use Cycle.js Instead of React?

When you are doing a React.js comparison with other tools like Inferno, etc, it is important to understand how that other tool works. Let’s discuss why we will be using react programming for the upcoming project. The comparison of ReactJS Vs Cycle Js should be detailed, but first, know the summary of that.

React performs admirably when it comes to rendering some data and altering the app state. In fact, the entire component methodology is fantastic, and it has significantly improved the quality, testability, and maintainability of my code. But there was always something missing.

Below, we have mentioned the pros and cons of the difference between react js vs cycle js.

ReactJS Vs Cycle Js: Pros

So, to know which one is best between Reactjs vs Cycle JS, we need to discuss every crucial point, including a performance comparison of these two:

1. Performance

ReactJS and Cycle.js are both JavaScript frameworks, but they approach performance differently.

React’s virtual DOM minimizes DOM updates, improving performance by reducing unnecessary re-renders. It efficiently updates only the parts of the UI that change, leading to faster user experiences. React’s popularity has also led to extensive optimizations and a vast community, ensuring ongoing performance improvements.

On the other hand, Cycle.js takes a more reactive approach, where data flows through a directed graph of functions. This can lead to fine-grained control over data and events, potentially optimizing performance in specific scenarios.

2. Hefty Code Bases

When your app grows, React has several problems. Imagine that you have 100 components, each with its styling, functionality, and tests, inside 100 containers. There is a lot of code there, spread out over many different files and directories. You can see how difficult it is to navigate through these files.

Cycle.js aids us with this. By dividing the project into discrete components that can be isolated and tested without causing any side effects, it is made to manage massive codebases. Everything is a pure data stream; there is no Redux and no side effects.

3. Flow Of Data

Data flow was the largest issue that we encountered using React. React was not designed with a data flow in mind; it is not part of its core. Developers have addressed this issue in a variety of libraries and approaches. Redux is the most well-liked. But it isn’t flawless. It will take some time to configure, and you’ll need to develop some code that only interacts with the data flow.

Because you shouldn’t have to think about data flow, the inventor of Cycle.js sought to develop a framework that will handle it. Cycle.js will take care of everything else; all you have to do is create functions that perform certain data operations.

4. Negative Outcomes

React struggles to handle negative repercussions. The handling of side effects is not standardized in React programs. You can deal with it using a variety of tools, but both setting them up and learning how to use them take time. Since there are several of them, you must choose one and include it in your codebase.

That is not necessary for Cycle.js. Include the desired driver (DOM, HTTP, or another) and start using it. Furthermore, the driver will transmit the data to your pure function, where you can update it and return it so that the driver can render it or carry out other actions. The main benefit is that Cycle.js already has it standardized, so you can use it without relying on a separate library.

5. Programming Using Functions

Not to mention functional programming. Although React’s creators claim differently, Cycle.js was created with the functional programming paradigm in mind, but React does not really use it. It contains a lot of OOP, classes, and this keyword usage that, if used improperly, can cause headaches. Everything is a function that is independent of all external conditions. Additionally, there are no classes or such activities. That is simpler to test and keep up with.

ReactJS Vs Cycle Js: Cons

1. Community

At the moment, the most widely used framework is React, and it’s applied everywhere. Not Cycle.js. You may not find a fix if you run into an unexpected circumstance and don’t know where to look.

On occasion, searching the internet for a solution leaves you in the dark. When you have plenty of free time and a side project to work on, this is not an issue. However, what happens when you have a deadline at work? Debugging your code will take some time.

But things are altering. Cycle.js is being more widely used by developers, who discuss its issues and collaborate to find solutions. Cycle.js also offers excellent documentation with a tonne of examples, and so far, I haven’t run into any challenging issues that were difficult to troubleshoot.

2. Acquiring New Paradigms

Since React programming follows a different paradigm, getting acclimated to it will take some time. Moreover, everything will be simple after that, but if you have a tight deadline, taking the time to master new material can be a challenge.

3. Some Applications Don’t Require React

Yes, certain applications don’t really need to be responsive. It’s not necessary for blogs, marketing websites, landing pages, or other static websites with little interaction to be responsive.

There aren’t many forms and buttons, and there isn’t much real-time data flowing through the program. Moreover, the React framework will probably cause us to load this website more slowly. You should be able to decide whether Cycle.js is really necessary for a web application.

4. Integration With Other Libraries & Frameworks

React can integrate with other libraries and frameworks easily. Hence, this makes it a great choice for applications and website development.

On the other hand, Cycle JS requires the developer’s effort to integrate with existing technologies.

5. Team familiarity

As we know, React is very popular as well as old; thus, your developers must be friendly with it. And they must be proficient in it. Now, if you switch to Cycle.Js, your development will face familiarity issues with Cycle.Js.


In conclusion, now we know the difference between ReactJS Vs Cycle Js. An ideal framework should not compel you to write boilerplate code and should instead enable you to concentrate on creating and delivering features.

Further, Cycle.js, in my opinion, has forced us to explore more effective ways to develop our code and deliver features by demonstrating to us that they are indeed feasible. However, keep in mind that there is always the potential for growth.

Rеact is popular as thе bеst application and wеb dеvеlopmеnt tеchnologiеs. If you want to utilizе it, thеn you should hirе a Rеact JS dеvеlopеr from a rеnownеd softwarе dеvеlopmеnt company in ordеr to gеt thе bеst for your businеss.


Yеs, Rеact apps arе dynamic. Thеy usе JavaScript to crеatе intеractivе usеr intеrfacеs that can rеspond to usеr input in rеal timе, making thеm dynamic and capablе of updating contеnt without rеquiring a full pagе rеload. This dynamic naturе is thе main significancе of Rеact.

UI librariеs arе collеctions of prе-built componеnts and codе rеsourcеs that simplify thе crеation of graphical usеr intеrfacеs for softwarе applications. In addition, thеy providе dеvеlopеrs with rеusablе UI еlеmеnts likе buttons, forms, and mеnus. It also hеlps dеvеlopеrs to spееd up thе dеvеlopmеnt timе. Morеovеr, It еnsurеs thе ovеrall look and intеrfacе of an application.

Usе Rеact whеn building complеx applications, dynamic wеb applications whеrе componеnts-basеd architеcturе and statе managеmеnt arе important. Rеact makеs thе dеvеlopmеnt procеss еasy with rеusablе componеnts and virtual DOM. On thе othеr hand, VanillaJS is good for simplе projеcts.

Thе tеrm Frontеnd architеcturе rеfеrs to thе high-lеvеl structurе and companiеs of cliеnt-sidе componеnts, tеchnologiеs, and pattеrns that dеvеlopеrs usе to build thе UI of wеb applications. It shows thе structurе of thе frontеnd codе. And also shows how thе data is managеd and displayеd. Additionally, it also shows how various componеnts intеract to еnsurе maintainability, pеrformancе, and scalability.

Thе bеst JS framеworks arе:

  • Rеact
  • Angular
  • Vuе.js
  • Embеr.js
  • Backbonе.js
  • Mеtеor
  • Svеltе
  • Exprеss.js
  • Nеxt.js
  • Nuxt.js