Learn to Create & Deploy NPM Packages!

How to Create and Deploy NPM Packages

Quick Summary: By becoming an expert in generating and delivering NPM packages, you can unleash the potential of code sharing. Up the ante on JavaScript development! Create an attractive “package.json” file first, then organize your project. You may spread awareness of your invention using the straightforward “npm publish” command. Let other developers quickly include your package in their projects using the command “npm install your-package-name.” Become the driving force behind productivity and teamwork by starting with  production.


The world is changing with technologies, and technologies are advancing constantly. Imagine having the power to simplify your workflow, enhance code reusability, and share your invaluable solutions with the global developer community. That’s where you need NPM (Node Package Manager) packages, where your coding prowess takes center stage.

In addition, a package manager is software that keeps track of your project’s versions, packages, and dependencies.

A package manager assists in managing dependencies as a project develops in size.

You can use it for all versions and in collaboration with other people.

Additionally, It saves money by minimizing the number of dependencies between developer teams.

We use the NPM registry, which is a centralized repository of Node.js packages, to install them.

Further, we’ll learn how to make a Node.js package and put it on the NPM registry for public use in this tutorial.

Creating NPM is not just a development practice; it will elevate your projects. So, if you need help, approach Custom Node.js Development Services to work on NPM. Else, you can Hire a Node.js Developer.


The world is changing with technologies, and technologies are advancing constantly. Imagine having the power to simplify your workflow, enhance code reusability, and share your invaluable solutions with the global developer community. That’s where you need NPM (Node Package Manager), where your coding prowess takes center stage.

In addition, a package manager is software that keeps track of your project’s versions, packages, and dependencies.

A package manager assists in managing dependencies as a project develops in size. You can use it for all versions and in collaboration with other people. Additionally, It saves money by minimizing the number of dependencies between developer teams.

We use the NPM registry, which is a centralized repository of Node.js , to install them. Further, we’ll learn how to make a Node.js package and put it on the NPM registry for public use in this tutorial.

Creating NPM is not just a development practice; it will elevate your projects. So, if you need help, approach Custom Node.js Development Services to work on NPM. Else, you can Hire a Node.js Developer.

Let’s Discuss NPM Packages…

Node.js is a popular server-side programming language used by millions of developers worldwide.

We use a variety of packages to make development easier when working with Node.js.

The Node Package Manager is in charge of all of these packages.

Create an NPM Account

Let’s get started by making an NPM account.

To sign up for npmjs, go to their website and click the signup button.

Npmjs link – https://www.npmjs.com/

Enter a username, email address, and password.

You must now confirm your account.

Check the inbox of the email address you supplied for the verification email and click on it.

Your npm account will be verified as a result of this.

You’ve created an NPM account and are ready to start publishing packages.

To begin publishing packages, login into your npm account on your terminal.

To begin, create a new folder and launch your terminal.

Enter the following command:

npm login

Enter your username, password, and email address now.

We have successfully signed in.

Let’s Code

A package.json file should be included in every package published to the NPM registry. Let’s begin by setting up a package.json file.

The package’s minimum requirements. A name and a version can be found in a JSON file. Let’s put those details into the file.

       “name”: “clist-node”,
       “version”: “1.0.0”

In the package, give it a new name. Because each NPM package should have its name, we use JSON.

For making API calls, we’ll use the Axios package in our sample. Use the following command to install it.

npm i axios

Note: Visit the Axios NPM package page for further information.

Axios link – https://www.npmjs.com/package/axios

  • We’ll use the clist API, which returns a list of contests such as hackathons and programming competitions.
  • Get an API key by creating an account on the clist website.
  • The index.js file would be the package’s entry point. In the same directory, create a file called index.js.
module.exports = async function getContests() {
       const axios = require("axios"); // Importing the Axios module to make API requests
       var result;
       const username; // Insert Your Username here
       const api_key; //Insert API key here
       await axios // Making a GET request using axios and requesting information from the 
    API.get("https://clist.by/api/v1/json/contest/?username=" + username + "&api_key=" + api_key + "&limit=20&end__gt=2020-09-19T00%3A00%3A00")
       .then((response) => { // If the GET request is successful, this block is executed
          return response; // The response of the API call is passed on to
             the next block
         .then((contests) => { 
        // In this block, we store the response data into a variable 'result'
       result = contests.data.objects;
       .catch((err) => {
          console.log(err); // Error handler
       return result; // The contest data is returned

To run this package, you’ll need an API key. As a result, if you install it, it might not start right away.

It’s time to deploy the package now that we’ve programmed it.

Deployment NPM

To deploy the package, enter the below command:

npm publish

As soon as your package is published, you’ll receive an email from NPM letting you know!

Use the Packages

Let’s get our package installed and tested.

Create a new folder and start a package.json with the following command:

npm init -y

It’s worth noting that the -y option builds a package. Without an interactive procedure, JSON

Let’s now install the npm package we just released.

npm i clist-node

Create an index.js file and let’s code

const clist = require("clist-node"); // import the installed package
    .then((res) => {
    // If the function successfully retrieves the data, it enters this block
    console.log(res); // Print the contest data on the console
    .catch((err) => {
    console.log(err); // Error handler

Run this file by using the command:

node index.js

Our NPM package would display contest data on the console. In addition to using the collected information on our front end, we can save it in a database or process it further. The options are limitless.

NPM Package Run Command

It was a success to install and test our NPM package!


NPM opens a world of possibilities, from streamlining your projects to significantly impacting the open-source community. Packaging your code effectively and sharing it on the NPM registry, you contribute to a global network of developers, fostering innovation and collaboration.

  • Take a recap of what you have read:
  • From npmjs.org, I created an NPM account.
  • Using the command npm login, log in to the terminal using your npm credentials.
  • The npm init -y command was used to create the package.json file.
  • I wrote some code.
  • npm publishing was used to deploy the package.
  • Using npm I, use your deployed package.


To create and publish a TypeScript npm package, follow these steps:

  • Initialize your project with npm init.
  • Write your TypeScript code in a dedicated directory.
  • Compile TypeScript to JavaScript using tsc.
  • Create a package.json with necessary metadata.
  • Run npm login to authenticate.
  • Publish with npm publish.
  • Ensure to configure your tsconfig.json for TypeScript settings.
  • How to create and publish a npm package?
  • Create a new directory for your project.
  • Initialize it with npm init.
  • Write your code and add necessary files.
  • Create a package.json file with metadata.
  • Publish it using npm publish after logging in with npm login.
  • Your package is now on npm for others to use.

To publish your first npm package, follow these steps. First, ensure you have a valid npm account; if not, sign up with npm adduser. Next, create a directory for your package, initialize it with npm init, and follow the prompts to provide package details. Write your code and add a package.json with relevant metadata. Finally, run npm publish to make your package available on npm for others to install and use. Make sure to maintain your package by updating it regularly to provide the best experience for users.

npm publish is a command that enables developers to share their JavaScript packages with the global npm registry. When you run npm publish, it packages your project files and dependencies based on the package.json configuration. It then sends this package to the npm registry, where it’s stored and made publicly accessible for others to install using npm install. The published package version is tracked, allowing users to specify which version of your package they want to use in their own projects.

To create an npm package without publishing, follow these steps. First, create a directory for your package and initialize it with npm init. Develop your package as needed, including writing code and configuring the package.json. You can use your package locally by specifying its path in another project’s package.json or using npm link to symlink it for testing. This allows you to use and test your package without publishing it to the public npm registry.