React JS Vs Javascript

React JS vs Javascript: What’s the Difference?

Quick Summary: The two tycoons of software development React JS and JavaScript. Both are the most preferable choice of developers. But which is superior. To define it you have to read this article of comparison between React JS Vs Javascript. Keep reading this blog!


JavaScript is a fantastic front-end programming language that is gaining popularity among non-technical users. It’s a small, concise, and simple language that’s great for creating user interfaces. However, JavaScript is not without flaws. This blog will give you a brief comparison between React JS vs JavaScript so that you are clear with your basics.

When creating apps with a lot of interactive elements and user interaction, you will encounter performance issues. JavaScript uses itself to create web apps and even enterprise applications because it is compatible with the majority of browsers.

As a front-end developer, you know that ReactJs is a prominent JavaScript framework and that Plain JavaScript is the most often used browser-based language, without which current front-end development is impossible. Both of these technologies were similar at first. They both built user interfaces with the same components. However, both React and Plain JavaScript changed over time.

If you are unfamiliar with the comparison between React js vs JavaScript, you can learn more about them here.

In this blog post, we’ll go over the key comparison of React js vs JavaScript, as well as why you should use React instead of plain JavaScript(or vanilla javascript) for your next project.

React Js Vs Javascript: A Quick Overview

React Js Vs JavaScript A Quick Overview

In order to develop dynamic web applications, you need to grasp the basic concepts and dig deeper into them. Let’s get started!!!

What Is Javascript?

What Is JavaScript

Javascript (also called plain javascript or vanilla javascript) is a programming language useful for designing interactive and dynamic web pages. Furthermore, its features or syntax do not require any additional libraries and frameworks. It handles the Dom, events and communication using APIs. Additionally, it provides the foundation for designing complex applications using popular frameworks and libraries such as React, Angular, and Vue.

What Is React?

What Is React

React is a javascript library constructed by Facebook for building interactive user interfaces of the application. It helps developers to create reusable code that can be easily composed into complex interfaces. Its popularity is attributable to its adaptability and ease of use. Additionally, it leverages DOM which streamlines the updates and Ui components rendering. Overall, React is an essential tool for producing complex and modern applications.

React js vs Javascript: Advantages and Disadvantages

React Js Vs Javascript Advantages And Disadvantages

Just like javascript vs python, let’s explore the advantages and disadvantages of Reactjs and javascript in depth.

Benefits Of React

React may be the ideal choice if you’re creating an app with a lot of interactive components as well as a lot of logic or scripting. For simple online apps with a few pages and little to no logic, pure JavaScript may be the ideal approach.

Your application gains an abstraction layer as a result of the React JavaScript framework. React’s key selling point is declarative programming.

Without writing a single line of code, JSX allows you to specify what should happen and design a whole app. React also has the ability to bind data and manage states. Therefore, hiring a React developer can be highly beneficial for your business to build interactive and innovative applications.

Disadvantages Of React

For people who are new to JavaScript development, React is not the ideal choice. If you are a developer who is well-versed in JavaScript and its structures, React may not be the best choice. React has a high learning curve that might be intimidating for beginners.

React includes a lot of boilerplate code that isn’t required for most apps.

Another disadvantage of React is that it does not support Internet Explorer 11 or earlier versions. This can be a problem if your app is only designed for IE11 or older browsers.

Finally, there are disadvantages to using React on other platforms, such as mobile apps and websites. While you can use React on these platforms, you cannot reuse all the same code and functionalities from the web app with React Native or Progressive Web Apps.

The Benefits Of Plain JavaScript

Because React is a younger technology. The Premier React.JS Development has grown in popularity in recent years. Plain JavaScript, on the other hand, has been around for a long time and has seen few changes. Having said that, simple JavaScript has numerous advantages.

The first benefit of pure JavaScript is its quickness. Designed with performance in mind, JavaScript is compatible with most browsers and platforms, your app will run faster than if you used React. Thе sеcond advantagе of plain JavaScript is its simplicity.

Plain JavaScript offеrs a simplеr sеtup bеcausе thеrе arе no complеx librariеs or sеttings to configurе bеforе you bеgin dеvеloping an application with it.

The React framework encourages code reuse and makes it easier for developers to construct modular code for various elements of an application’s user interface. This helps you to concentrate on building the most important aspects of your game without having to worry about untangling module dependencies or figuring out how components should interact with each other on the same page.

React additionally provides capabilities such as state management and routing, which are frequently required for enterprise applications. This application framework is extensively utilized and not offered by plain JavaScript.

If you’re considering constructing a large-scale enterprise application utilizing the React framework, this could be an essential factor to consider when comparing your alternatives against the benefits of simple JavaScript.

Disadvantages Of Plain JavaScript

To begin, we should define ordinary JavaScript. Plain JavaScript is a programming language that helps to create applications on both the server and client sides.

Onе problеm with using plain JavaScript is that it lacks structurе and syntax, which rеquirеs you to writе a lot of codе. This could takе longеr and producе bugs in your codе if you havе a largе application. If you arе unfamiliar with programming, you may еxpеriеncе a grеat dеal of frustration whеn dеbugging.

Anothеr disadvantagе is that if your application rеquirеs a lot of structurе and fеaturеs, plain JavaScript will not work.

Theory Of React JS Vs JavaScript

As we compare javascript vs python wе will compare wе will undеrstand thе thеory of Rеact JS and Javascript.

If you want to crеatе an еngaging and usеr-friеndly app that is simplе to construct, Rеact could bе a smart choicе. Rеact has many advantagеs, such as thе ability to group componеnts and usе thеm as a singlе unit.

Another advantage of React is the ability to easily create reusable components that are independent of one another.

If your software lacks the complexities of a web application, plain JavaScript suffices. Plain JavaScript misses some of React’s features, but it is easier to grasp and has a simpler syntax.

The ability to use any code editor or IDE without having to install additional software is the most significant advantage of using plain JavaScript—plain JavaScript works on both Windows and Mac operating systems, whereas React only works on macOS.

Furthermore, if your app does not require the flexibility of reusing components across apps or websites, using simple JavaScript may provide the required simplicity.

React Js Vs Javascript: A Detailed Comparison

React Js Vs Javascript A Detailed Comparison

Most developers prefer ReactJS over Vanilla JS when it comes to popularity. When it comes to functionalities, it isn’t always React. Let’s know why!

React Js Vs Javascript: Learning Curve

React has a steeper learning curve than vanilla javascript as it embraces component-based architecture and JSX syntax. Furthermore, React documentation and community support make it easier to learn and build complex applications once the basics are grasped.

Plain javascript has a shallow learning curve and takes time to master but once you have a strong grasp of js, it will be easier to understand other frameworks and libraries. Additionally, developers should prioritize mastering plain js before exploring React.

React Js Vs Javascript: Performance Benchmark

As React embraces DOM for efficient UI updates. By determining the minimal necessary changes to the DOM, its performance is improved. However, vanilla js(or plain Javascript) is faster than React js as it doesn’t need to generate virtual Dom and can directly manipulate the standard DOM. This makes it around 30 times faster than React in generating UI programs.

React Js Vs Javascript: UI/UX Performance

React provides an efficient way to build complex user interfaces as it allows components rendering by leveraging virtual dom. Furthermore, React organizes and maintains the code more effectively. In contrast, plain Javascript requires more manual work to achieve the same level of efficiency. Consequently, ReactJS has better UI/UX performance than VanillaJS since developers don’t need to enter the DOM to work with it as it executes automatically.

React Js Vs Javascript: Security

React focus on interoperability makes it even more vulnerable to certain types of attacks. React.js lacks security default settings, leaving developers to implement secure coding. Just like react js vs angular js, In contrast, Javascript has in-built security measures making it a more secure option as compared to React. Vanilla JS APIs may require different credentials, but you do not get temporary tokens with this framework. In order to ensure that online apps are secure, developers can use middleman APIs. Therefore, Javascript outperforms React when it comes to security.

React Js Vs Javascript: Maintenance

React is thus found to be cheaper for maintenance when compared with the use of vanilla js in online shop sites. The React provides fundamentally efficient maintenance services for keeping the application to run promptly and dynamically, concerning what is available in Javascript. React reusable components and virtualDOM allow developers to maintain and update web applications quickly, making react better than plain Javascript for ecommerce.

React Js Vs Javascript: Popularity

More than 65% of participants agreed they used JavaScript and slightly over 55% of them said they were using HTML/CSS script as their programming languages. The survey about the usage of various solutions for building web applications in 2021 revealed that 43.3% respondents used jQuery, and 35.9% respondents used React.js.

Nevertheless, it should be pointed out that react js is a javascript library; therefore, it is not,” per se”, compared to javascript when talking about popularity. Twooks of which are used by a large part of the web development community.

React JS Vs JavaScript: Differences

React is a JavaScript package that aids in the creation of user interfaces. It makes use of the functional programming paradigm. The first step in creating a React app is to write the HTML for your project, which is then converted into a virtual DOM. This virtual DOM is then used as the foundation for the rendering process in React.

In contrast, plain JavaScript does not require any additional libraries or infrastructure. You simply tell the browser what you want, and it will render it.

However, certain React features, such as handling state changes and using event listeners, will be difficult to implement.

React JS Vs JavaScript: When To Choose One Over The Other?

As we know, React is a JavaScript package that enables developers to build single-page applications. Furthermore, React provides a component-based approach to app development, resulting in great code reusability.

The plain JavaScript library intends for small applications and allows you to create web pages in any web browser. Because of its lack of reusability and structure, plain JavaScript is not suitable for large-scale applications. There are numerous advantages to using React, including component-based development and high performance.

However, if your app requires a large amount of code, you may prefer Plain JavaScript over the React framework due to its simplicity and versatility.


e state-based management, virtual DOM, and declarative data flow. The key advantage of React is that it allows you to use the React JavaScript library to construct apps that are more manageable and performant than plain JavaScript.

To create engaging applications with good user interference, we recommend you hire react js development services or a reputed software development company.


No difference. Javascript is a programming language used for building dynamic web content, while vanilla javascript refers to the use of pure, unaltered javascript, without the use of additional frameworks or libraries(like react, Vue, angular).

It’s not a matter of “better” or “worse “as both vanilla javascript and React have their own advantages and disadvantages depending upon the specific use cases. Vanilla js is lightweight and offer more control while React is powerful for building complex user interface and offers better performance in certain situation.

Plain javascript is faster than react because it doesn’t have the additional overhead of virtual dom which slows down the process in certain situations.

Yes, it is recommended to learn vanilla javascript first before moving on to a framework like React. A solid foundation will help you build a stronger foundation for more advanced concepts and make it easier to learn new tools and technologies in the future.

Vanilla js offers faster performance, greater control, smaller file size, simpler syntax and easier debugging. It also has better browser compatibility and is more lightweight than React, making it suitable for smaller projects.