What Is Regression Testing_ Definition, Tools, Method, And Example

What Is Regression Testing? Definition, Tools, Method, And Example

Quick Summary: Regression testing is a crucial aspect of software development that aims to ensure the stability and reliability of a software product after making changes or introducing new features. In this blog post, we will explore the definition of regression testing, discuss the tools commonly used for regression testing, outline the general method involved, and provide an example to illustrate its importance.


Regression testing is a very important component of software development, ensuring that changes to code do not negatively impact existing functionalities. Basically, it is a quality assurance process which cofirms whether the recent modifications have unintentional side effects on previously tested features. This proactive method helps to keep thе overall integrity of thе softwarе, preventing thепoіnting of bugs or issuеs dūrіng thе development life-cyclе.

Sеvеral tools аrе vаilаblе to рurе streamlinеd and automatе рh аsе what thе vеrification prосеѕѕ is аlso fаstened. Sеlеnium, Junit, аnd TеstNG are populаr tools that аre distiсt from еаch other feature-wise acсоrdiпg to the varying needs of tеstinу processes. The methodology comprises of rоunnіng tеst cases that lоvеr connесtіtеd aspects оf the sоftwarе, validаtіng whethеr mеnаgеmеnt comply wіth еxpесtеd thеrеfоrtоmvailth The rеgrеssion tеsting, by dеteсting and diаgnоsеd defеcts early in thе product lifеcаylе, cоntributes immеdiatеly to a more viable and reliable softwarе product.

For instance let us imagine a situation in which a team develops new feature in e-commerce program. Реgrеssion тetesting аvents the unsound аdvеrtеntlynеss еxpectаtiоn of this сhаngе thаt inadvertently affects essential functions such as payment processing or order fulfillment. By taking this prereactive measure deployers of updates can freely make updates without threatening the overall stability of the system. Within this blog, we take a deeper look into the significance of regression testing, explore the available tools, outline effective methodologies, and provide a real-world example to demonstrate its practical value for software development.

What is regression testing???

Regression testing is a kind of testing that ensures that the slightest change in the code of software won’t affect the product’s current functionality.

Developer adopt this process to make the product compatible with any additional features, problem repairs, or modifications to current features. Test cases that already run are rerun to ensure the change has the effect.

Regression testing is a type of software testing where test cases repeat to see if the application’s former functionality is still operational. and that the latest changes have not does not have any new flaws.

Whenever there’s a significant modification in the original functionality, despite only one bug fix, regression testing can be done on the latest version.

Regression is the process of testing the application’s unaltered components repeatedly. Organizations can always opt for regression testing services that are offered by the best Penetration providers.

Overview of Regression Testing

Regression test is similar to a verification technique. The majority of test cases are automate since they need to be run repeatedly and performing every one of them manually would be laborious and time-consuming.

Consider, for instance, a product named X whose functionality includes the ability to send emails when clicking the Confirm, Accept, and Dispatch buttons.

There may be problems with the confirmation mail, and you may need to perform some programming changes to address them. To make sure that the modification in the code to set right the confirmation has not affected the whole of functionalities, it is necessary in this case to test not only the Acceptance and Dispatched emails but also the Confirmation emails.

No coding language needs, including Java, C++, C#, etc. for regression testing. This technique of testing is check if the product has undergone any changes or upgrades. It confirms that a product’s existing features are as it is by any product modifications.

What Is Regression Testing?

Regression testing is a kind of testing that ensures that the slightest change in the code of software won’t affect the product’s current functionality.

This is done to make the product compatible with any added features, problem repairs, or modifications to current features. Test cases that had already been run are rerun to ensure the change has had the desired effect.

Regression testing is a type of software testing where test cases are repeated to see if the application’s former functionality is still operational and that the latest changes have not resulted in any new flaws.

Whenever there’s a significant modification in the original functionality, despite only one bug fix, regression testing can be done on the latest version.

Regression is the process of testing the application’s unaltered components repeatedly. Organizations can always opt for regression testing services that are offered by the best Penetration providers.

Diving a little further into regression testing

Check to see if the bug has been fixed and whether the recently introduced features interfered with the software’s prior stable version.

Testers perform functional testing whenever a fresh build is ready for inspection. This test’s objective is to validate both the newly added functionality and the changes performed to the existing functionalities.

Once the test is complete, the tester must ensure that the functionality that was operating before the change is still functioning as intended and that no defects have been introduced by the new modifications. This process can take place seamlessly by a Regression Testing Company.

If one is skeptical about “What Is Service Regression Testing?” or “When to perform them” then Regression tests must be taken into account while estimating tests and should be included in the release cycle.

When can one perform this test?

Regression software testing is typically carried out after changes or new features have been verified. This, however, is not applicable for all time. Regression tests must be included in the daily test cycle for the releases which take several months to complete. Regression tests can be run for weekly releases once Functional Testing for the modifications is complete.

A version of retesting (which is merely repeating a test) is regression testing. Any explanation could be the reason to carry out retesting. Let’s say you had been testing a certain feature, but it was becoming late. You would have to cease testing without determining if the test had passed or failed.

You take the test again the next day after you return, which indicates that you are repeating an earlier test. A retest is simply conducting the same test again.

At its essence, a regression test is essentially a retest. This applies to exclusive occasions like when there is any change in the application/code. Code, design, or any other factor may dictate the overall structure of the system.

In this circumstance, we carry out a Regression Test as a retest to ensure that the mentioned modification has not affected anything that was previously functioning before.

The most frequent reasons for doing this are bug fixes or the creation of revised versions of the code (due to an expansion in scope or requirement).

Can we perform Regression Testing manually?

Test execution is the straightforward process of employing your test cases, carrying out the steps on the AUT, providing the test data, and comparing the outcome with the intended outcome specified in your test cases.

We determine whether a test case passes or fails based on the comparison result. No specialized tools are required for executing tests; it’s as simple as that.

Automated Tools for Regression Testing

Automated regression testing services can automate the majority of testing activities in their domain. On a fresh build, we can re-run every test case that had previously been run.

This indicates that we have a set of test cases at our disposal, and performing those tests manually takes time. Because we are aware of the anticipated outcomes, automating such test cases can save time and it’s an effective regression test technique. The total test case scenarios that will remain relevant throughout time will determine the extent of automation used.

If test cases change periodically, the application scope expands, and automating the regression process becomes ineffective.

Most of the Regression testing tools are of record and playback types. You can record the test cases by navigating through the AUT (application under test) and verifying whether the expected results are coming or not.

Tools Recommended:

1. Avo Asssure

Avo Assure is a pure code-less and diverse solution for automated testing that enhances the speed and ease of regression testing.

The cross-platform compatibility of the tool facilitates anyone to test over the web, mobile, desktop, Mainframe, ERPs, associated emulators, and more. Employing Avo Assure, one can seamlessly execute the complete cycle of regression testing without any code and further ensure quick delivery of top-notch quality.
How can Avo Assure help you:

The functionalities
  • One can attain more than 90% range in the automation tests by repeatedly running the regressions tests.
  • Easy visualization of the complete hierarchy of testing just at the button’s click. Seamlessly define the plans followed by designing test case scenarios through various features.
  • Utilize over 1500 keywords, including over 100 SAP-specific keywords, to hasten the delivery of applications.
  • Utilize the features of Smart Scheduling along with Execution to run several scenarios simultaneously.
  • Connect to numerous SDLC and Continuous Integration programs, including Jira, Sauce Labs, ALM, TFS, Jenkins, and QTest.
  • Utilize clear videos and screenshots of test case execution to analyze reports with ease.
  • You can test your applications for accessibility.

2. Bug Bug

The most simple method for automating regression testing is undoubtedly BugBug. The only thing you need is to “record & replay” the tests using the user-friendly interface.

A Solution that can replace Selenium
  • One needs to begin by creating a test case
  • Followed by which initiate the process of recording
  • Perform actions like clicks on the website – BugBug shall record all the clicked interactions as test steps.
  • Run the test – BugBug then starts repeating all the test steps that were recorded.

A Solution that can replace Selenium

  • It’s way easier to apply and learn
  • The regression tests which need to be production ready are created at a faster pace
  • It doesn’t need any coding
  • It comes absolutely for FREE if you execute automated regression tests on the local browser.
  • And it is priced at $49 monthly so that you can employ BugBug cloud to run all hourly regression tests.

3. Virtuoso

By providing self-healing tests, Virtuoso stops dealing with defective tests in the regression packs on every release. Virtuoso spawns bots that explore the DOM of the application and create a thorough model of every element using the selectors, IDs, and attributes that are readily available. Every time testers run a test, they strategically utilize a machine learning technique to detect any unanticipated variations, enabling them to focus on finding flaws rather than repairing tests.

Like writing a manual test code, developers create regression tests based on Natural Language Programming in simple English. With unmatched speed and the use of a cordless tool, this scripted technique retains all the strength and adaptability of a coded approach.

Why Regression Testing?

Regression starts whenever a programmer patches a bug or introduces new code to the system to add new features.

The recently introduced and current functionality may both have a lot of dependencies.

The testing team typically verifies any quick changes across the system to ensure compatibility with older code and maintain the integrity of the original code. This serves as a quality control measure to prevent impacts on the unaltered code.

In this case, we require testing that only affects the application area to complete the testing process on schedule while covering all the key system components.

When the program is constantly changing or improving, this test becomes crucial. It ensures that the additional functionality does not impact the tested code already in place.

Finding the bugs that appeared as a result of a code update demands regression. Without this testing, the product may experience serious problems in a live setting, which could put the client in danger.

According to the tester of any online website, the product’s actual price is higher than the rate currently displayed, and therefore, this issue requires an immediate correction.

Regression testing is also necessary to ensure that the price on the incorrect page but may still be exhibiting a wrong price on the summary page, which display the total is along with the other charges, or the email that was sent to the customer still contains the incorrect price after the developer fixes the issue.

As the website estimates the total cost with the incorrect price and emails the customer the same amount, the consumer will now be responsible for the financial loss they don’t perform testing. Once the consumer agrees that the product will be sold online for less, the customer will lose money.

In summary, testing has a vital role and is essentially need for the mutual benefit of the organization and it develop a product and the client base that uses it.

Various types of Regression testing

One can employ any of the below-mentioned types of regression testing for the best results

1. Unit Regression

Unit Regression testing is use in the phase of unit testing, and code is test independently, meaning that all dependencies regarding the unit test are disabled to enable independent testing of the unit without any inconsistencies.

2. Partial Regression

To ensure that the code still functions properly after modifications and the new unit merges with older or existing code, use partial regression.

3. Complete Regression

When code changes affect several models and the influence of any one module’s modification on another is unclear, you should perform full regression. To see if the alter code has create any modifications, the entire product will revert.

Any software development firm can opt for any of the mentioned types of regression testing for Functional Testing, Vulnerability Assessment , Automated Testing, Security Testing, or Integration Testing.

Diverse Methods of Regression Testing

Throughout the Software Development Lifecycle one can go and opt for a consultancy that offers Software Testing And Qa Services to develop an application or perform regression testing.

A few famous regression testing methods are:

Methods of Regression Testing

1. Retest all

As the name implies, all test cases in the test collection are run again to make sure that you have not find any issues as a result of the code change. In comparison with the other procedures, this one is more time- and resource-consuming, making it more expensive.

2. Selection of Regression Tests

This approach involves picking a few test cases from the test set to run again. However, every command in the suite should not repeat. On the basis of test cases module’s code update.

Reusable regression testing suite and obsolete test cases are the two major categories into which test cases fall. While obsolete test cases cannot be used in expected regression cycles, reusable test scenarios can be used.

3. Test Case Prioritization

High-priority test scenarios run ahead of intermediate and low-priority test cases. The test case’s criticality, and impact on the product, as well as its functionality and frequency of usage, determine its priority.

4. Hybrid

The hybrid approach combines test case prioritization and regression test selection. Choose exactly the test cases that you have repeat on priority rather than choosing the whole test suite.

To understand “What Is Service Regression Testing?”, one can run through the blog for clear understanding.

For Example,

One can examine the situation, with the below-mentioned example of Application Testing:

Release 1 Statistics

Name of the applicationXYZ
Version Number1
No. of Requirements10
No. of Test Cases100
No. of days for Development5
No. of days for Testing5
No. of required Testers3

Release 2 Statistics

Name of the applicationXYZ
Version Number2
No. of Requirements10+ 5 New Requirements
No. of Test Cases100+ 50 New
No. of days for Development2.5 (considering that it is half the amount of work compared to earlier)
No. of days for Testing5(for the existing 100 TCs) + 2.5 (for new Requirements)
No. of required Testers3

Release 3 Statistics

Name of the applicationXYZ
Version Number3
No. of Requirements10+ 5 + 5 new requirements
No. of Test Cases100+ 50+ 50 new
No. of days for Development2.5 (since this is half the amount of work than earlier)
No. of days for Testing7.5 (for the existing 150 TCs) + 2.5 (for new Requirements)
No. of required Testers3

It needs to be clear that there can be many Challenges In Regression Testing that might come up amidst Integration Testing or Mobile App Testing.

One can identify the mentioned patterns from the given example:

  • There is a mutual growth of releases and functionalities.
  • It remains evident that the testing time eventually increases with releases unlike the development time
  • The above factor is something that receives less affinity from any organization
  • One can’t decrease the testing time by expanding testing team members as it is clear that more resources lead to high expenses which gets us to the fact that the training and the quality compromise from the new resources remain inevitable.
  • The other solution is to noticeably decrease the regression amount which could be skeptical for the development of a software solution.

Regression testing vs. Retesting

Regression testing is not just about fixing bugs as it includes other test cases. It also ensures that the bug patch has not affect any other feature of the product. Re-testing is proceed for the test cases that break in the execution and identify the bug and fix it.

We will recommend you to go for Software Performance Testing Services to choose between regression testing or retesting as per need.


Regression testing serves as one of the crucial components because it ensures that any modification, no matter how big or small, within the code won’t have an impact on a feature that has already been implemented. Be it for Mobile App Testing Services or Web Application Testing, go for QA Outsourcing Services and hire the best Software Quality Assurance Testers.

There are numerous automation solutions available for the process of automating regression testing cases nevertheless. You should consider the project requirements when choosing a tool. The Regression testing set needs an update often, hence a tool should be able to do this. Reach out to the best QA firm Quality assurance consulting services to avail of great regression testing services.

With that, we will conclude this discussion with the hopes that the subject will be much more clearly understood moving forward.


Through regression testing essential functionality has been secured by preventing adverse impact caused by the change in code. UAT connotes the end-users certifying for the satisfaction that the system meets their requirements. In this regard, while regression testing is concerned with stability in c these, UAT evaluates over the total program compliance to for user observations prior to deployment.

Yes, though not often considered to be a part of quality assurance regression testing is one of the most integral parts of the quality assurance process. It ensures that software changes don’t lead to new defects, and that all existing functions remain intact post-code alterations. QA teams do regression testing to the process of testing to ensure the product quality.

The regressive testing is mostly being practiced by Quality Assurance(QA) teams whereby the testers can be allocated or professional automated testing tools can be used. When the enhancements and new features are reflected in the actual software, QA professionals make sure that bugs are not introduced or none adversely affects the existing functionalities. Automated testing can facilitate this process, so the manual one may also be required for some cases.

A regression test may be testing whatever a login function of a web application still works properly once some of the features or bug fixes are implemented. This primarily equates to ensuring that any previously implemented functionalities, such as user authentication, have not been affected due to recent source code changes while also addressing unintentional complications.

Indeed, regression testing takes place following UAT. After users have verified the system in UAT, regression testing is performed, to ascertain that alterations based on the user feedback or the requirements introduced haven’t introduced new malfunctions and the existing functionality remains unchanged before the deployment.